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 Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti

In jos 
7 participanți
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Numarul mesajelor : 669
Varsta : 42
Localizare : Cluj-Napoca
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2008

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MesajSubiect: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMar 07 Oct 2008, 13:06

Australia: Incident aviatic, soldat cu 40 de răniţi. Aeronava a aterizat de urgenţă pe aeroportul din Exmounth
Sursa: Antena 3
07 octombrie 2008

40 de persoane au fost rănite, marţi, în urma "modificării bruşte de altitudine" la bordul unui avion Airbus A330-300, aflat în zbor deasupra Australiei, anunţă BBC. După un apel de urgenţă, aeronava a aterizat de urgenţă pe aeroportul Learmonth din oraşul Exmounth, aflat în vestul ţării. Avionul aparţinea companiei australiene Qantas şi avea la bord 313 pasageri. Autorităţile spun că, cel mai probabil, incidentul a avut loc din cauza turbulenţelor. Mai mulţi pasageri au suferit fracturi grave. Au fost mobilizate pe aeroport cadre medicale şi ale poliţiei australiene.

Acesta nu este primul incident în care este implicat numele companiei Qantas. În iulie, un avion Boeing 747, care zbura dinspre Hong Kong, spre Melbourne, a aterizat forţat după ce un tub de oxigen a explodat, provocând o gaură în fuselaj.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 2688
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Cluj Napoca
Data de inscriere : 30/12/2007

Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMar 07 Oct 2008, 13:09

modificare brusca de altitudine? ma las de aviatie, sa mor io... ca se pare ca tot ce am invatat nu se pune...
nu am inteles nimic din stirea asta... absolut nimic... pot banui ca e vorba de un fel de microrafala, si pasagerii nu erau legati, si au inceput sa zboare prin avion... dar altfel nu inteleg nimic...
Sus In jos
Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 669
Varsta : 42
Localizare : Cluj-Napoca
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2008

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MesajSubiect: Re: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMar 07 Oct 2008, 13:25

Ce sa-i faci, presa de duzina. Stau si ma gandesc ca mai bine nu puneam stirea asta, dar pe de alta parte ne putem amuza din nou cu termeni de "specialitate"!
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1327
Varsta : 43
Localizare : Canada
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2008

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MesajSubiect: Re: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMar 07 Oct 2008, 18:02

virusu a scris:
modificare brusca de altitudine? ma las de aviatie, sa mor io... ca se pare ca tot ce am invatat nu se pune...
nu am inteles nimic din stirea asta... absolut nimic... pot banui ca e vorba de un fel de microrafala, si pasagerii nu erau legati, si au inceput sa zboare prin avion... dar altfel nu inteleg nimic...

Ai auzit de CAT? (Clear Air Turbulence?)

CAT = Clear air turbulence is th turbulence which occurs in the free atmosphere away from any visible convective activy. CAT includes high level frontal and jet stream turbulence, typically above 15,000 feet. CAT is found near high level stable layers that have vertical wind shear. WHen air parcels in a stable layer are displaced vertically, atmospheric gravity waves develop. Thse waves can have wavelengths from a few hundred feet to a mile or two. If the vertical shear is strong, it causes the wave crests to overrun the wave troughs, creating a very unstable situation.

Deci... "modificarea brusca de altitudine" e un termen destul de okay sa fie folosit de mass-media. Noi care ne pricepem putin mai mult la aviatie decit restul muritorilor de rand, poate ni se pare ca folosesc termeni cam copilaresti, dar pina la urma, acest articol nu se adreseaza pilotilor de 747, ci lui "nea Marin de la etajul 2 care joaca table si citeste ziarul dimineata pe banca in fata blocului"

Nu cred ca ne-ar place daca un reportaj despre "economia internationala" s-ar baga in super detalii si sa foloseasca termeni neauziti de noi astia care nu suntem in domeniu, sa ne explice de ce a scazut Dolarul sau de ce a crescut Euro..

Frate, nu tin cu ursul, dar voi astia din Romania criticati mass-media cam mult... lol!
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 2688
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Cluj Napoca
Data de inscriere : 30/12/2007

Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMar 07 Oct 2008, 18:56

Capt_Vio a scris:
virusu a scris:
modificare brusca de altitudine? ma las de aviatie, sa mor io... ca se pare ca tot ce am invatat nu se pune...
nu am inteles nimic din stirea asta... absolut nimic... pot banui ca e vorba de un fel de microrafala, si pasagerii nu erau legati, si au inceput sa zboare prin avion... dar altfel nu inteleg nimic...

Ai auzit de CAT? (Clear Air Turbulence?)

CAT = Clear air turbulence is th turbulence which occurs in the free atmosphere away from any visible convective activy. CAT includes high level frontal and jet stream turbulence, typically above 15,000 feet. CAT is found near high level stable layers that have vertical wind shear. WHen air parcels in a stable layer are displaced vertically, atmospheric gravity waves develop. Thse waves can have wavelengths from a few hundred feet to a mile or two. If the vertical shear is strong, it causes the wave crests to overrun the wave troughs, creating a very unstable situation.

Deci... "modificarea brusca de altitudine" e un termen destul de okay sa fie folosit de mass-media. Noi care ne pricepem putin mai mult la aviatie decit restul muritorilor de rand, poate ni se pare ca folosesc termeni cam copilaresti, dar pina la urma, acest articol nu se adreseaza pilotilor de 747, ci lui "nea Marin de la etajul 2 care joaca table si citeste ziarul dimineata pe banca in fata blocului"

Nu cred ca ne-ar place daca un reportaj despre "economia internationala" s-ar baga in super detalii si sa foloseasca termeni neauziti de noi astia care nu suntem in domeniu, sa ne explice de ce a scazut Dolarul sau de ce a crescut Euro..

Frate, nu tin cu ursul, dar voi astia din Romania criticati mass-media cam mult... lol!

exact la aia m-am referit cand am zis microrafala Wink dar tot nu vad legatura cu fracturi si alte cele... si nu vreau sa zic, ca, ar trebui sa explice in termeni stintifici povestea, dar totusi... un nivel ridicat de cultura si mentalitate nu se poate obtine cu limbaj de matura... cu limbaj de matura, obtii oameni de matura... asta e...
Sus In jos
Flight Level 200
Flight Level 200

Numarul mesajelor : 279
Varsta : 50
Localizare : Vancouver, Canada
Data de inscriere : 16/09/2008

Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti Empty
MesajSubiect: Subiect: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMar 07 Oct 2008, 19:29

Nu vreau sa-i apar pe cei de la Antena dar daca cititi stirea aici vedeti ca ei se refera la "sudden change in altitude" ceea ce in traducere libera ne da exact "schimbare brusca de altitudine".,21598,24460959-948,00.html

Din nefericire, sunt destul de multi oameni care au fost raniti, unii grav.
Sus In jos

Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMar 07 Oct 2008, 19:34

Acuma vine eu ca un Gica Contra ce sunt eu : Oare de ce nu sta lumea cu centura pusa ca nu cere de mancare cand o porti pe burdihan.... Eu de cate ori zbor stau cu centura pusa, ma duc la buda cand revin pun centura. Cand am mers venit la si de la Barcelona in momentul in care s-a stins becul de la centuri au inceput sa trozneasca romanii din centuri......
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1327
Varsta : 43
Localizare : Canada
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2008

Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMar 07 Oct 2008, 19:49

virusu a scris:
exact la aia m-am referit cand am zis microrafala Wink dar tot nu vad legatura cu fracturi si alte cele... si nu vreau sa zic, ca, ar trebui sa explice in termeni stintifici povestea, dar totusi... un nivel ridicat de cultura si mentalitate nu se poate obtine cu limbaj de matura... cu limbaj de matura, obtii oameni de matura... asta e...

Microrafala = CAT (Clear Air Turbulence)? Eu am crezut ca Microrafala este Microburst, care este ceva total diferit... dar nu stiu termenii in limba romana, deci nu ma bag sa argumentez. Doar ce am inteles eu. In Engleza stiu termenii ca aici i-am invatat.
Sus In jos
Flight Level 100
Flight Level 100

Numarul mesajelor : 122
Varsta : 43
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 04/06/2008

Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMar 07 Oct 2008, 23:21

kkk a scris:
Acuma vine eu ca un Gica Contra ce sunt eu : Oare de ce nu sta lumea cu centura pusa ca nu cere de mancare cand o porti pe burdihan.... Eu de cate ori zbor stau cu centura pusa, ma duc la buda cand revin pun centura. Cand am mers venit la si de la Barcelona in momentul in care s-a stins becul de la centuri au inceput sa trozneasca romanii din centuri......

Da, asa e kkk, am vazut si eu acest lucru. Nu stiu nici eu de ce se intampla asa la zborurile cu romani. Cum se stinge becul cum auzi un mare zgomot de la centuri. Considera ca asa e normal sa procedeze. offfffff scratch
Sus In jos
Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 767
Varsta : 41
Localizare : Constanta
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2008

Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMier 08 Oct 2008, 01:34

Nu e numai la romani asa. Si la italieni e cam aceasi chestie. Singurii care am vazut ca stau cu centurile puse cam tot drumul sunt nemtii.
Sus In jos

Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMier 08 Oct 2008, 09:13

Parerea mea este ca ar trebuii sa fie in permanenta aprins becul la centuri si atunci poate ar fii mai putin riscant. Si ca sa continui cu mesajul pe langa : Cand am venit din Tunisia cu Nouvelair din cauza turbulentelor intalnite sporadic becul a ramas in permanenta aprins si asta in ciuda a 80% zbor linistit......
Sus In jos
Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 1166
Varsta : 50
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2008

Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti Empty
MesajSubiect: Qantas probe focuses on flight control system 'irregularity' following   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptyMier 08 Oct 2008, 11:43

Qantas probe focuses on flight control system 'irregularity' following sudden nose-down pitch incident

SURSA:Air Transport Intelligence
Autor: Leithen Francis

Citat :

Investigators are focusing on a potential irregularity in the flight control system of a Qantas Airways Airbus A330-300 that yesterday experienced a sudden nose pitch down mid-flight resulting in around 74 people on board being injured.

The pilots received centralised aircraft monitoring messages to say there was "some irregularity with the aircraft's elevator control system", the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB)) says in a statement today.

This statement is referring to an accident yesterday afternoon while the aircraft was at 37,000ft (11,280m) en route from Singapore to Perth.

The aircraft "climbed approximately 300ft...during which time the crew had initiated non-normal check-list and response actions", says the ATSB.

Then the aircraft "abruptly pitched nose-down, [and] during this sudden and significant nose-down pitch, a number of passengers, cabin crew and loose objects were thrown about the aircraft cabin, primarily in the rear of the aircraft".

This resulted in "a range of injuries to some cabin crew and passengers" including broken bones.

ATSB says the pilots first made a 'pan pan' emergency broadcast to air traffic control but a few minutes later called 'mayday' and requested clearance to land at Learmonth rather than continuing to Perth.

"The aircraft landed at about 15:30 local time, about 40min after the start of the event."

ATSB says the event has been classified as an aircraft accident because of the nature of the injuries.

It says of the 303 passengers and 10 crew on board, 14 people had serious - but not life threatening - injuries.

An additional group of up to 30 had serious enough injuries to receive medical treatment in hospital and up to a further 30 required first aid treatment, it adds.

ATSB says it currently has seven investigators examining or about to examine the aircraft plus Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority, France's Bureau Enquetes-Accidents and Airbus are involved in the investigation.

It says it plans to issue a preliminary factual report within 30 days.

Qantas says in a separate statement that the severely injured people on board the aircraft were airlifted from Learmonth to Perth by Australia's Royal Flying Doctor Service. Other passengers were flown to Perth on Skywest Airlines, it adds.

Learmonth is an airport and airbase south of Exmouth, a remote town near Western Australia's northwest coast.

Qantas' A330-300 remains in Learmonth because the ATSB is inspecting it, says the airline.

The airline's CEO, Geoff Dixon, says the carrier is assisting with the investigation and the aircraft's flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders have been removed and will undergo assessment.

According to Flight's ACAS Daily Alert the A330-300 involved has local registration VH-QPA.
Sus In jos
Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 1166
Varsta : 50
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2008

Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti Empty
MesajSubiect: Qantas Flight QF72 Emergency Landing at Learmonth, Australia   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptySam 11 Oct 2008, 18:56

Qantas Flight QF72 Emergency Landing at Learmonth, Australia
Sursa: Aircrew Buzz
Data: 08.10.2008
Autor: B. N. Sullivan

Citat :
Earlier today, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) held a media conference regarding an in-flight incident on board a Qantas Airbus A330-300 aircraft that caused injuries to dozens of people. The incident occurred yesterday, October 7, 2008, as Qantas Flight QF72 was en route from Singapore to Perth with 303 passengers and 10 crew on board.

Here is what happened, according to the ATSB media statement about Qantas Flight QF72:

The aircraft, which had 303 passengers and 10 crew on board, was in normal level flight at 37,000 ft about 110 nautical miles north of Carnarvon and 80 nautical miles from Learmonth near Exmouth in north-western Australia, when the pilots received electronic centralised aircraft monitoring messages in the cockpit relating to some irregularity with the aircraft's elevator control system.

The aircraft is reported to have departed level flight and climbed approximately 300 ft, during which time the crew had initiated non-normal checklist/response actions. The aircraft is then reported to have abruptly pitched nose-down.

During this sudden and significant nose-down pitch, a number of passengers, cabin crew and loose objects were thrown about the aircraft cabin, primarily in the rear of the aircraft, resulting in a range of injuries to some cabin crew and passengers.

The crew made a PAN PAN emergency broadcast to air traffic control, advising that they had experienced flight control computer problems and that some people had been injured, and they requested a clearance to divert to and track direct to Learmonth.

A few minutes later the crew declared a MAYDAY and advised ATC of multiple injures including broken bones and lacerations. The aircraft landed at about 1530 local time, about 40 minutes after the start of the event.

The ATSB understand that there were 14 people with serious but not life threatening injuries, which included concussion and broken bones who were taken by air ambulance to Perth. In addition, up to 30 other people attended hospital with possible concussion, minor lacerations and fractures, with up to a further 30 or so people with minor bruises and stiff necks etc who did not need to attend hospital. However, these casualty figures are subject to further clarification and confirmation.

All passengers have been now been transported to Perth. Given the nature of injuries, the occurrence is defined as an accident in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organization definition.

The aircraft's Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder have been retrieved by investigators and sent to Canberra for examination. In addition, ATSB is carrying out an on-site investigation at Learmonth, where the aircraft remains.

Qantas also issued a statement today with similar information. The Chief Executive Officer of Qantas, Geoff Dixon, also said, "We commend the professionalism of our crew, who ensured the aircraft landed safely in Learmonth."

UPDATE Oct. 9, 2008: The ATSB has issued an update on the Qantas Flight QF72 accident. Today's ATSB media release says, in part:

The aircraft's Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) arrived in Canberra late on Wednesday evening. Downloading and preliminary analysis overnight has revealed good data from both recorders. Data from the FDR has been provided to Qantas, the French Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses (BEA) and Airbus as parties to the investigation.

While the full interpretation and analysis of the recorded data will take some time, preliminary review of the data indicates that after the aircraft climbed about 200 feet from its cruising level of 37,000 feet, the aircraft then pitched nose-down and descended about 650 feet in about 20 seconds, before returning to the cruising level. This was closely followed by a further nose-down pitch where the aircraft descended about 400 feet in about 16 seconds before returning once again to the cruising level. Detailed review and analysis of FDR data is ongoing to assist in identifying the reasons for the events.
Click here to view the Oct. 9 ATSB media release.
Sus In jos
Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 1166
Varsta : 50
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2008

Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti   Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti EmptySam 11 Oct 2008, 19:04

Investigators detail dynamics of "complex" Qantas A330 in-flight upset

Sursa :Air Transport Intelligence
Autor: David Kaminski-Morrow
Citat :
Australian investigators have detailed the dynamics of the in-flight upset which injured over 70 people on board a Qantas Airbus A330-300 during cruise, but have no firm indication as to the cause of the incident.

The jet, en route from Singapore to Perth, climbed 200ft upwards before returning to its cruising altitude of 37,000ft. About one minute later, it descended 650ft in the space of 20s - pitching downwards to a maximum of 8.4° - before regaining its cruise level once more.

Seventy seconds later it descended again, by 400ft in 16s, with nose-down pitch of 3.5°.

Australian Transport Safety Bureau director of air safety investigation Julian Walsh says the agency has determined there was no shift in cargo and no structural defects in the twin-jet. The bureau has released an animation of the event, drawn from initial flight-data recorder information.

Qantas A330 upset: ATSB animation

"As far as we can understand, there seems to be issues with some on-board components," he says, adding that the event was "very complex" and that the bureau needs to examine the flight-control computers and the data sources in use.

Early information pointed to the pilots' receiving messages on the jet's electronic centralised aircraft monitoring system relating to an "irregularity" with the A330's elevator-control system.

"Certainly the aircraft has pitched down without any input from the pilots," says Walsh.

"We don't have a detailed understanding of the interaction of pilot with the aircraft controls, but what were seeing at the moment indicates normal [pilot] responses to what the aircraft is doing."

He says the autopilot was engaged before the incident, adding: "The autopilot is one of the aspects of the investigations. There's quite a complex interaction between the autopilot and other systems.

"That's going to be something we're going to have to look at, in terms of when the autopilot turned off and turned on - whether it turned off of its own accord, for some reason, or whether it was deselected by the pilot, or reselected by the pilot."

Walsh says that while the nature of the initiating event has not been determined, there is "no evidence" that passenger electronic devices might have contributed to the upset, in which 14 occupants received serious injuries. "There's certainly nothing we're aware of [regarding electronic devices] that's caused any sort of serious event like this," he says.

"We don't understand the circumstances yet, we're not aware of a similar event in the past," he states, adding that the inquiry will examine atmospheric conditions as well as the technical issues.

Qantas flight QF72 was transporting 303 passengers and 10 crew when the incident occurred on 7 October, about 110nm (204km) north of Carnarvon in western Australia. The aircraft subsequently diverted to Learmonth.

"Damage was quite extensive inside in terms of cracked roof panels where people's heads have hit the cabin roof, and perhaps objects as well," says Walsh.

"We cannot pre-empt the findings in relation to cabin safety issues and the wearing of seat-belts but this accident does serve as a salient reminder to all people who travel by air of the importance of keeping seat-belts fastened at all times."

Preliminary factual data from the event will be released in a bureau report in around 30 days.
Sus In jos
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Nou incident la Qantas... de data asta si cu ceva raniti
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