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 Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului

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Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyJoi 04 Noi 2010, 08:30

Titlu:Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului
Autor: Sorana Mihailescu
Data" 04.112010

Citat :

Un avion Airbus A380, ce apartine companiei australiene Qantas, a fost nevoit sa aterizeze de urgenta la Singapore, din cauza unei avarii produse in aer, in timp ce aparatul se afla deasupra Indoneziei - relateaza France Presse. La aterizare, din avion iesea fum, iar aparatul a fost imediat inconjurat de sase autospeciale de pompieri. La bord se aflau 433 de pasageri si 26 de membri ai echipajului. Nu s-au inregistrat raniti.

O televiziune din Indonezia a relatat ca mai multe fragmente din avion au fost descoperite la sol pe insula Batam. Pe de alta parte, un martor a delarat ca a auzit o puternica explozie, apoi fragmente din metal au cazut intr-o zona industriala. Potrivit primelor informatii, avionul a avut probleme la unul din motoare. Un purtator de cuvant a declarat ca unul din cele patru motoare s-a oprit, iar avionul s-a intors in Singapore din motive de siguranta.

si in engleza cu tot cu imagini

Ultima editare efectuata de catre kkk in Joi 04 Noi 2010, 09:42, editata de 1 ori
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1128
Varsta : 33
Localizare : cluj-napoca
Data de inscriere : 13/03/2008

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyJoi 04 Noi 2010, 08:39

interesant...aripa arata ca si cum ar fi trecut ceva prin ea,probabil chiar parti din motor
Sus In jos
Flight Level 400
Flight Level 400

Numarul mesajelor : 1059
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 26/03/2008

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyJoi 04 Noi 2010, 08:56

Cam naspa...
Sus In jos

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyJoi 04 Noi 2010, 09:41

atr_42_500 a scris:
Cam naspa...

Din cate stiu eu este pentru a doua oara cand Quantas consemneaza la sol toata flota de A380, data trecuta a adus si ceva 747-400 din desert!
Sus In jos
Flight Level 200
Flight Level 200

Numarul mesajelor : 293
Varsta : 49
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 07/12/2009

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Încă un avion Qantas a avut probleme, acum 747-400   Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyVin 05 Noi 2010, 17:17

Titlu: Second Qantas jet in engine scare
Sursa: BBC
Autor: ***
Data: 05.11.2010
Citat :
A Qantas airline jumbo jet has been forced to return to Singapore because of an engine problem.

The Boeing 747-400 turned back shortly after take-off from Changi Airport, airline officials said.

It comes a day after a Qantas Airbus A380 was forced to make an emergency landing at the same airport after one of its engines exploded.

Qantas grounded its six-strong fleet of A380s and an investigation is under way into what caused the failure.

The latest incident affected Sydney-bound flight QF6, which managed to land safely.

"Shortly after take-off the captain experienced an issue with one of its engines," a Qantas spokeswoman said.

No further details were immediately available.

Earlier, Qantas said the engine failure on its flagship A380 may have been caused by a design fault.

CEO Alan Joyce said the blowout was "an engine issue" and not one of maintenance on the two-year-old plane.

Rolls-Royce, the British firm which makes the Trent 900 engine involved, said it was checking all the A380s in service.

One of the plane's four engines blew up over western Indonesia, sending debris falling on to the island of Batam and leaving a trail of smoke.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 44
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyLun 08 Noi 2010, 09:41

Titlu: Compania Qantas a descoperit "uşoare anomalii" la unele motoare de Airbus A380
Sursa: mediafax
Autor: ***
Data: 08.11.2010

Citat :
Compania aeriană australiană Qantas a anunţat luni că a descoperit "uşoare anomalii" la anumite motoare cu care sunt echipate avioanele sale Airbus A380 şi că prelungeşte menţinerea la sol a aparatelor de acest tip, după o avarie la reactorul unuia dintre ele în zbor, joi.

"La trei dintre motoare am descoperit anomalii uşoare - ulei acolo unde nu ar trebui să fie, la motoare", a declarat directorul general al Qantas, Alan Joyce, pentru postul public de televiziune ABC.

"Este vorba despre motoare noi, (instalate) pe un avion nou. Nu ar trebui să existe acest tip de probleme în acest stadiu. Acest lucru ne oferă, deci, un anumit indiciu despre o zonă asupra căreia să ne concentrăm", a adăugat el.

"Ne păstrăm mintea deschisă, dar (...) credem că ar putea fi vorba despre o problemă de materiale sau o problemă de concepţie a motoarelor", a continuat el.

Un avion Airbus A380 aparţinând companiei Qantas a fost nevoit să revină pe aeroportul din Singapore, la 4 noiembrie, unde a aterizat de urgenţă, după ce unul dintre cele patru motoare Rolls-Royce ale sale a explodat, la câteva minute după decolare.

Totodată, Joyce a anunţat că societatea a hotărât să prelungească menţinerea la sol a acestor avioane A380.

"Noi suntem singura companie care şi-a blocat la sol (avioanele) A380. Luăm securitatea incredibil de serios şi, ca atare, hotărâm să menţinem la sol aceste avioane, pe care le vom ţine la sol atât timp cât va fi necesar pentru a fi convinşi că este sigur să zboare din nou", a subliniat Joyce.

"Credem, în continuare, că, în baza progreselor pe care le înregistrăm, vorbim de zile şi nu de săptămâni (în vederea reluării zborurilor), dar ne vom acorda timpul de care este nevoie pentru a fi deplin convinşi asupra faptului că avionul poate zbura în securitate totală".

A două zi după incidentul în care a fost implicat avionul Airbus, un avion Boeing 747 aparţinând companiei Qatas, la bordul căruia se aflau comandantul avionului Airbus A380 accidentat cu o zi înainte şi cei doi piloţi ai săi, a fost, de asemenea, nevoit să revină şi să aterizeze la Singapore, după ce a suferit o avarie în timpul zborului, la un alt tip de motor Rolls-Royce.

Incidentul în care a fost implicat avionul Airbus A380, cel mai mare avion de linie din lume, cu o capacitate de peste 500 de pasageri, este primul de o asemenea gravitate de la introducerea sa în serviciu, în 2007.

Compania Qantas, care nu a înregistrat niciun accident mortal în cei 90 de ani de existenţă, deţine o flotă de şase avioane Airbus A380, care efectuează curse foarte rentabile din cele mai importante două oraşe din Australia, Sydney şi Melbourne, către Londra şi Los Angeles.

Compania a dezminţit cu fermitate că incidentul s-ar datora, aşa cum au afirmat sindicatele, externalizării mentenanţei către alte companii din străinătate.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1128
Varsta : 33
Localizare : cluj-napoca
Data de inscriere : 13/03/2008

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyLun 08 Noi 2010, 10:30

interesant articolul,imi place ca cei de la Qantas chiar i-au in serios siguranta Smile sa nu'si pateze ce-i 90 de ani perfecti Very Happy
cat priveste A380-u.....deja incepe sa dea nu numai Qantas a avut probleme cu el....
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 857
Localizare : Macondo
Data de inscriere : 02/12/2008

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyLun 08 Noi 2010, 15:04

m-am nimerit sa fiu acolo. am aterizat la 30 min dupa 380 de la qantas si a trebuit sa ne rotim un pic pana astia au aterizat si au degajat pista caci au fost pompieri si toate cele. am vazut avionul, motorul arata sifonat.
a fost de pomina faptul ca si B747 s-a paradit. ieri, motorul de la 747 a ramas langa o zona de parcare, caci l-au inlocuit si avionu a plecat.

cam naspa perioada ptr qantas si airbus insa qantas joaca bine cartea. au reputatia ca nu au avut accidente majore, insa nu sunt singurii. sunt, insa, singurii dintre cele mai cateva mari vechi companii care nu au avut accidente majore. e baiate mare in aviatie. au fost in situatia de a arunca un avion paradit in incident la fier vechi insa au preferat sa plateasca reparatia (care a fost mai mare decat asigurarea) ca sa nu aiba in dosar un avion dat la fier vechi in urma unui incident.

Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 44
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyMar 09 Noi 2010, 08:47

Titlu: Qantas to change engines on two A380s
Sursa: flightglobal
Autor: Will Horton
Data: 06.11.2010

Citat :
Qantas Airways will change two Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines on its A380 aircraft as a result of ongoing inspections following the fleet's grounding on Thursday.

The number three engine on an A380, registration VH-OQC, will be changed after an inspection in Sydney found abnormalities including an oil leak, say sources familiar with the matter. Another Qantas A380 currently grounded in Los Angeles will have one of its engines changed due to unspecified problems.

The abnormalities in the number three engine of VH-OQC could have potentially led to a repeat of Thursday's incident on QF32, sources say.

Qantas could not be reached for comment. Earlier today Qantas general manager David Epstein said Qantas and Rolls-Royce engineers were inspecting engines one-by-one on three A380s in Los Angeles and one in Sydney. Each engine takes up to eight hours to inspect.

The carrier's fifth A380 is undergoing a scheduled C-check at Lufthansa Technik in Frankfurt while the sixth A380, the aircraft involved in Thursday's incident, is undergoing a separate inspection.

Inspections for the carrier's serviceable A380s may not be complete for a number of days, Epstein says. He warns repair periods "could take some time".

Further delays may occur if the demand for spare engines exceeds worldwide spares, Epstein says. "As far as engines go, there are not a lot of Trent [900] engines around the world." Airlines worldwide have taken delivery of only 20 Trent-powered A380 aircraft, according to Flightglobal's ACAS database.

In Thursday's incident, Qantas' A380 VH-OQA experienced an uncontained failure in its number two engine approximately six minutes after departing Singapore's Changi Airport for Sydney. Debris struck the aircraft's port wing and fell over Indonesia.

The aircraft safely returned to Singapore but with only half of its ailerons working, footage from the incident shows. Additionally, the crew were not able to control the number one engine, leading firefighters to hose down the engine to forcibly shut it down.

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce says one aircraft could return to service as early as tomorrow. "We are hopeful it is within days [that] the A380 fleet will start flying again. We are happy to proceed if no adverse findings come out of [inspections from] those jets."

Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines also operate A380 aircraft with Rolls-Royce engines. Singapore Airlines says it inspected its 11 A380 aircraft and cleared them to return to service. Lufthansa says it is inspecting its three A380s.

Engine Alliance powers the Air France and Emirates A380s.

As a result of the grounding Qantas has delayed some A380 flights, swapped aircraft, and charted aircraft from fellow OneWorld carrier British Airways.

Titlu: Qantas engine failure "unconnected" to earlier Trent 1000 incident: Rolls-Royce
Sursa: flightglobal
Autor: Kerry Reals
Data: 08.11.2010

Citat :
Rolls-Royce has ruled out any connection between the recent uncontained Trent 900 engine failure on a Qantas Airways Airbus A380 and an uncontained failure which occurred on a Trent 1000 in August on a test bed at the manufacturer's facility in Derby.

Rolls-Royce says it has "made progress in understanding the cause" of the 4 November incident, which occurred on a Qantas A380 en route from Singapore to Sydney, and has determined that "this incident is specific to the Trent 900 engine".

Checks and inspections are now being carried out with operators of Trent 900-powered A380s, which in addition to Qantas includes Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines.

"These are being progressively completed, which is allowing a resumption of operation of aircraft in full compliance with all safety standards," says Rolls-Royce.

"We can be certain that the separate Trent 1000 event which occurred in August 2010 on a test bed in Derby is unconnected," adds the manufacturer.

Rolls-Royce points out that last week's engine failure was "the first of its kind to occur on a large civil Rolls-Royce engine since 1994".

Qantas said earlier today that investigations had narrowed on an oil leakage in the turbine area of the engine.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 44
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyMier 10 Noi 2010, 10:12

Titlu: Singapore To Change Oil-Stained A380 Engines
Autor: Reuters
Data: 10.11.2010

Citat :
Singapore Airlines plans to replace engines on three of its Airbus A380 planes after finding oil stains on them, almost a week after Australian rival Qantas grounded its A380 fleet due to an engine failure.

Qantas's six A380s have been grounded since Thursday, when a Rolls-Royce engine partly disintegrated mid-flight, forcing the fully laden plane to make an emergency landing.

Investigations into that incident have focused on oil leaks inside the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine, the same model used to power Singapore Airlines' A380 fleet.

On Monday, Rolls-Royce moved to contain a crisis of confidence in the safety of its engines, saying progress was being made in finding out what caused last week's blowout on the Qantas flight.

Singapore Airlines said its decision on Wednesday to swap out the engines was a precautionary move, on advice from Rolls-Royce, and that the oil stains were unrelated to the Qantas problems.

"We apologise to our customers for flight disruptions that may result," the airline said.

Singapore Airlines said the three A380s would be equipped with new engines of the same model, with a minor variation. These aircraft were currently in Sydney, Melbourne and London. A380 flights out of Melbourne and Sydney on Wednesday were cancelled.

Qantas, which last week said an engine design flaw could be to blame, has said it is investigating oil leaks that might have caused the engine explosion on a Sydney-bound flight.

Qantas is expected to give an update on its A380 fleet by Thursday afternoon. The airline said on Monday it would ground its six planes for at least 72 hours.

"We are still continuing with checks," a Qantas spokesman said on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, a Boeing 787 test flight made an emergency landing in Texas with smoke in the cabin, the first incident of its kind, putting additional scrutiny on the already delayed plane.
Sus In jos
Flight Level 200
Flight Level 200

Numarul mesajelor : 293
Varsta : 49
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 07/12/2009

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Technical problems hit another Qantas flight, 747 again   Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyLun 15 Noi 2010, 11:38

Titlu:Technical problems hit another Qantas flight
Autor: ***
Data: 15.11.2010
Citat :
A Qantas flight from Sydney to Buenos Aires has had to turn back due to technical problems.

Airline spokeswoman Olivia Wirth says the captain on flight QF17 decided to return to Sydney one hour into the flight after smoke entered the cockpit.

She says the plane will be assessed to work out the nature of the problem, thought to be in the plane's electrical system.

"Engineers are inspecting the aircraft and they're trying to determine the cause... and make sure we can have the aircraft back in the air as soon as possible," Ms Wirth said.

The Boeing 747 landed without incident at Sydney airport about 1:20pm (AEDT).

Ms Wirth says the captain had requested priority to land after turning around and dumping fuel.

In a statement the company said reports that the plane lost cabin pressure were untrue. Oxygen supply to the cabin was unaffected, it added.

The airlines says all 199 passengers and the 21 crew are safe and the company is making contingency arrangements for them.

It is not known if the affected passengers will fly again this evening or if they face a longer delay.

Earlier this month a Qantas plane's engine exploded over Indonesia.

Qantas and Singapore Airlines grounded their A380 planes while the cause of the explosion was investigated.

A day later, a Qantas Boeing 747 was forced to turn back from Singapore en route to Sydney because of a "contained engine failure".

On Friday a Qantas 767 en route to Melbourne turned back to Perth after vibrations were detected in one of its engines.

Qantas says it regrets any inconvenience caused to those affected by the latest incident.

While Qantas faces continuing questions over the reliability of the engines on its A380 fleet, the company's budget airline, Jetstar, is also having to defend its safety record.

Jetstar does not operate any A380s but it faces a Senate inquiry next month into aviation and flight safety standards just as it is launching a major expansion into Asia to exploit the Chinese consumer market.

Chief executive Bruce Buchanan was not shying away from the association with Qantas when he spoke to ABC business editor Peter Ryan.

"Qantas's reputation is a positive not a negative... we would therefore like the association with Qantas, especially the fact that we have very similar safety standards across both businesses."
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 44
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyLun 15 Noi 2010, 11:40

Titlu: Al treilea avion al companiei Qantas a aterizat de urgenţă
Autor: Alina Vasile
Data: 15.11.2010

Citat :
Un avion Boeing 747 al companiei aeriene australiene Qantas a fost nevoit să aterizeze de urgenţă pe aeroportul din Sidney, din cauza unor probleme electrice survenite în timpul zborului spre Argentina, în urma cărora cabina piloţilor s-a umplut de fum.

Avionul a aterizat fără probleme, toţi cei 199 de pasageri aflaţi la bord aflându-se în siguranţă, potrivit CNN. "Nu suntem foarte siguri de natura problemei pentru moment. Este vorba despre un incident tehnic minor", a declarat un purtător de cuvânt al Qantas.

Acesta este cel de-al treilea incident într-un interval de nici două săptămâni, după ce pe 4 noiembrie unul dintre motoarele unui Airbus A380 a explodat în timpul zborului, iar la 24 de ore un alt avion al companiei australiene a fost nevoit să se întoarcă din drum din cauza problemelor tehnice.

Compania ale cărei avioane nu au fost implicate niciodată într-un accident aviatic soldat cu victime, ar putea să înlocuiască până la 14 motoare Rolls-Royce Trent 900 înainte de a-şi repune în funcţiune flota de avioane Airbus A380.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 44
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyMier 17 Noi 2010, 15:04

Este luna motoarelor Qantas.....

Titlu: Qantas 747 Flight Returns After Bird Strike
Autor: Reuters
Data: 17.11.2010

Citat :
A Qantas 747 was forced to return to Johannesburg late on Tuesday after a bird strike damaged one of its engines, the latest in a series of incidents at the Australian airline since an engine failure on an Airbus A380 nearly two weeks ago.

The Sydney-bound Boeing 747 with 171 passengers suffered minor engine damage and would be delayed by more than a day as Qantas had to ship replacement parts to South Africa from Australia, a spokesman said.

"The pilot followed standard procedure and shut down the number two engine but there was never any danger," the spokesman said.

On November 4, a Qantas Airbus A380 with 466 people on board was forced to make an emergency landing in Singapore after one of its engines disintegrated mid-flight after an oil fire.

Just two days later a Qantas Boeing 747 was forced to make an emergency landing in Singapore with an engine failure and earlier this week, a Buenos Aires-bound 747 had to return to Sydney after a cockpit instrument failed.

Qantas has kept its A380s grounded since the accident and has used its 26 Boeing 747s to fill gaps in its schedule.

A Qantas flight on route from Alice Springs to Darwin also suffered a lightning strike on Tuesday but the aircraft continued to its destination and only suffered cosmetic damage, Qantas said.
Sus In jos
Flight Level 200
Flight Level 200

Numarul mesajelor : 293
Varsta : 49
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 07/12/2009

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Rolls Royce trebuie sa schimbe 40 de motoare de la A380 - Qantas, Lufthansa si Singapore Airlines   Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyJoi 18 Noi 2010, 08:03

Titlu:Rolls Royce 'may replace up to 40 Airbus A380 engines'
Sursa: BBC
Autor: ***
Data: 18.112010

Citat :

Up to 40 Rolls-Royce engines on Airbus A380 superjumbos worldwide will need to be replaced, according to Australian airline Qantas.

Qantas Chief Executive Alan Joyce was speaking two weeks after a Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine on an A380 exploded in mid-air, forcing an emergency landing.

Qantas has grounded its six Airbuses since the incident.

The Trent 900 engines are used on A380s operated by Qantas, Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines.

Between them the three airlines operate 20 A380 planes, each of which has four Rolls-Royce engines.

Mr Joyce told reporters at Sydney airport the airline had already replaced three engines on its planes.

"We've been talking to Airbus and Rolls-Royce and we understand that the number [of engines to be replaced] is around 40," he said.

Investigators believe an oil leak inside the engines may have caused the fire on the Qantas flight from Singapore to Sydney on 4 November.

Rolls-Royce has said the engine failure "was confined to a specific component" which led to an oil fire and loss of turbine pressure.

The plane was forced to return to Singapore shortly after take-off.

All 459 passengers and crew were unharmed but analysts said it was the most serious incident in the three-year history of the Airbus plane.

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Mengelaus in Joi 18 Noi 2010, 11:54, editata de 1 ori (Motiv : Unit stiri la Sugestia autorului.)
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 44
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyJoi 18 Noi 2010, 17:17
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 44
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyMier 24 Noi 2010, 10:34

Titlu: Qantas To Resume Limited A380 Flights
Autor: Reuters
Data: 23.11.2010

Citat :
Qantas will resume flying Airbus A380 superjumbos this week on a limited basis, giving Airbus and engine maker Rolls-Royce a confidence boost after an engine failure crippled a jet with 466 people aboard this month.

Europe's aviation safety authority EASA also chipped in with some positive news, lightening its compulsory inspection regime for the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine, after one such engine partially disintegrated on a Sydney-bound Qantas flight on November 4, forcing the plane to make an emergency landing in Singapore.

Qantas will put two of its six A380s in the air from Saturday but the others will take "some time" to return, pending engine fixes, and the A380 will stay off routes to Los Angeles, among the its most lucrative, the airline said on Tuesday.

"Out of abundance of caution we've taken 16 engines that we regard as having a bigger likelihood of having a problem on them and as a consequence those engines will be modified...," Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce told a news conference.

"This is a worldwide fleet issue so it's not just engines Qantas has, it's engines that other operators also have and this is an issue that will have to be resolved for all of the other operators," he added.

Still, the Qantas move to put the A380 back in the sky and the EU's new directive are welcome news for Airbus whose much-delayed EUR€12 billion (USD$16.3 billion) A380 programme has struggled to attract airlines in some key markets, including the United States and Japan.

Rolls-Royce concluded the incident was caused by an oil fire but that the issue was confined to a specific component. It has since been pushing to find a fix and replace faulty engines with new turbines.

That conclusion prompted the EU to implement inspection measures, which analysts said were so time consuming they could take planes out of rotation every ten days or so, costing airlines revenue.

However, citing progress in the analysis, the EU will no longer require airlines to conduct extensive ground idle runs and turbine blades checks inside the engines -- a time consuming check.

Qantas replaced two engines on the first aircraft that will return to service, but declined to detail other engine changes, saying these had not been finalised.

The first A380 will be reassigned from the Los Angeles route and will enter service on the Sydney-London route on Saturday.

Singapore Airlines, the biggest operator of Rolls-Royce powered Airbus A380s, has already replaced engines on three aircraft and said it remained in compliance with air safety directives.


Qantas declined to discuss the earnings impact of the A380 disruption but analysts said it would be modest but noticeable.

"Together with the likelihood of ongoing disruptions through (to) mid-December, we have estimated incremental costs of around AUD$20 million (USD$19.8 million)... along with an around 1 percent decline on mainline international capacity for the first half of 2011," Macquarie said in a note.

Brokerage CLSA cut its fiscal 2011 earnings estimate for Qantas, given the airline was running with smaller capacity and therefore missing out on last-minute bookings, which were usually higher-margin fares.

"While the airline is squeezing everyone onto flights that have existing bookings, Qantas is missing the higher yields from selling last-minute seats for rack-rate fares," it said.

Qantas is also keeping the A380 off the high-margin Los Angeles routes -- which require use of maximum certified engine thrust -- as a precaution. These are the longest routes served by an A380 and require the plane to be fully laden with fuel, which in turn requires higher thrust for take off.

Joyce said Qantas was not yet discussing compensation issues with Rolls-Royce.

"Our priority is to get all of the aircraft back in the air... and when the time is appropriate, we will have the dialogue with Rolls-Royce."

On top of the two aircraft returning to service, Qantas will take delivery of two new Airbus A380s before year-end, giving it four superjumbos for the busy Christmas and southern hemisphere summer holiday season.

Joyce last week estimated Rolls-Royce might have to replace 40 engines globally, or about half the engines currently in service on the A380.
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Numarul mesajelor : 1835
Varsta : 34
Localizare : TIMISOARA - BANAT
Data de inscriere : 15/01/2009

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Problems in manufacturing process led to Trent 900 failure: ATSB [en]   Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptySam 04 Dec 2010, 01:02

Titlu: Problems in manufacturing process led to Trent 900 failure: ATSB
Sursa: flightglobal .com
Autor: ****
Data: 03.12.2010

Citat :
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) says that a problem in the "manufacturing process" led to the 4 November uncontained engine failure on a Rolls-Royce Trent 900 powering a Qantas Airways A380.

Investigations at Rolls-Royce facilities in Derby revealed an "area of fatigue cracking" within a stub pipe that feeds oil to the High Pressure (HP)/Intermediate Pressure (IP) bearing structure.

That was associated with a misaligned region of counter-boring within the stub pipe outlet, producing a localised thinning of one side of the pipe wall. That led to an uncontained failure of the IP turbine.

"The turbine disc, blade and nozzle-guide vanes separated into a number of sections, rupturing the surrounding IP turbine casing and damaging the engine's thrust reverser. Damage was also evident to the engine cold stream duct and outer cowl panels. The No 2 engine thrust links were severed and extensive damage was evident to the LP turbine nozzle guide vanes and stage-1 LP turbine blades," says the ATSB.

Most damaging to Rolls-Royce is the ATSB's belief that this was a manufacturing defect.

"[The] misaligned stub pipe counter-boring is understood to be related to the manufacturing process. This condition could lead to an elevated risk of fatigue crack initiation and growth, oil leakage and potential catastrophic engine failure from a resulting oil fire," says the agency.

This "critical safety issue" requires immediate action by the airlines operating Trent 900-powered A380s, says the ATSB and Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority. They have recommended an additional one-off inspection within two flight cycles by the operators. These are Qantas, Singapore Airlines, and Lufthansa.

"In the event abnormal or eccentric counter-boring of the tubes described in the service bulletin is identified, this must be recorded as a major defect of the engine," says CASA.

Industry sources say that the problem affects only the "A mod" and "B mod" variants of the Trent 900.The latest variant, "C mod", is not a subject of the finding. This appears to indicate that Rolls-Royce may have identified the fault and fixed it on the latest engine variant. It is not clear, however, when the fix was implemented.

The engine manufacturer has spelt out the procedure for detecting the problem. It requires the "specialised examination, measurement and reporting of the HP/IP bearing structure stub pipe counter-bore geometry". A 20-flight cycle compliance limitation was specified for the examination.

It says in a brief statement that the ATSB's findings are consistent with its comments so far.

"Since 4 November, we have been working closely with the regulators, Airbus and our airline customers and implemented a regime of inspection, maintenance and removal which has assured safe operation and will progressively allow the whole fleet of Trent 900 powered Airbus 380s to return to service. Rolls-Royce will continue to work with the investigating authorities and the regulators to ensure compliance with safety standards," it adds.

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Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 44
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului    Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului  EmptyLun 13 Dec 2010, 14:10

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Un Airbus A380 a aterizat de urgenta la Singapore din cauza unei avarii produse in timpul zborului
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