atr_42_500 Flight Level 400
Numarul mesajelor : 1059 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 26/03/2008
| Subiect: Aibus A300 prabusit in Mexic Mier 14 Apr 2010, 14:28 | |
| Titlu: Aibus A300 prabusit in Mexic Autor: - Data: 14 Aprilie 2010 Link: - Citat :
- Un avion cargou Airbus A300 s-a prabusit, marti seara, in nordul Mexicului, in apropierea Aeroportului International Monterrey. Cel putin sapte persoane si-au pierdut viata.
Presa locala anunta ca aeronava companiei AeroUnion s-a prabusit pe terenul aeroportului, insa unul dintre motoare s-a desprins si a ajuns pe o autostrada din apropiere, existand riscul sa fi provocat si pagube la sol, informeaza Cotidianul mexican Milenio scrie ca cel putin cinci membri ai echipajului si-au pierdut viata, insa exista informatii ca la locul accidentului s-ar afla cel putin sapte cadavre.
Avionul s-a prabusit la decolarea de pe aeroportul mexican si ar fi trebuit sa ajunga in Los Angeles, scrie cotidianul local Reforma, precizand ca accidentul nu putea fi provocat de conditiile meteo si ca numarul victimelor ar putea creste in orele urmatoare. La locul accidentului a izbucnit un incendiu de proportii, iar zona a fost inchisa de politie si de armata mexicana, in timp ce pompierii se lupta cu flacarile. | |
kampfmaschine Moderator
Numarul mesajelor : 1927 Varsta : 45 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010
| Subiect: Re: Aibus A300 prabusit in Mexic Vin 16 Apr 2010, 10:13 | |
| Titlu : Six Dead In Mexican Cargo Plane Crash Sursa : Autor : Reuters Data : 14/04/2010 - Citat :
- A cargo aircraft crashed late on Tuesday near the airport in the northern Mexican city of Monterrey, killing six people, Mexican emergency authorities said.
The Airbus A300 aircraft, operated by privately held AeroUnion, crashed on a road leading into the airport after an aborted landing. Investigators were still trying to determine the cause of the accident on Wednesday morning.
"The five crew members died in the accident and another person on the ground was part of the calamity," Civil Aviation Director Hector Gonzalez told the Milenio TV network.
It was not immediately clear how the person on the ground was killed but Mexican media said the plane may have hit a vehicle as it crashed on the road.
Emergency services initially reported two people on board the aircraft and three on the ground were killed.
Operations at Monterrey Airport were normal on Wednesday, according to the aviation authority.
Partially burned wreckage from the aircraft was visible on the road leading into the airport in an area near several hotels, a witness reported.
The jet, which was carrying cargo from Mexico City to the wealthy manufacturing city of Monterrey, crashed approximately 1.5 km (1 mile) from the airport.
"We don't have a probable cause of the accident... we know there was heavy rain and some fog, but that did not impede operations," Gonzalez said.
Prior to the crash AeroUnion operated three A300s, transporting cargo within Mexico as well as to Los Angeles and Chicago in the United States. | |