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 Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista

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Numarul mesajelor : 218
Localizare : Timisoara
Data de inscriere : 07/01/2009

Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista Empty
MesajSubiect: Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista   Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista EmptyDum 17 Ian 2010, 02:05

Titlu: Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista
Data : 16Jan2010
Autor: A.N.

"Un aparat de tip Airbus, apartinand companiei aeriene Iran Air, a iesit de pe pista pe aeroportul din Stockholm, alunecand circa 100 de metri in zapada, transmite AP. Avionul, care avea la bord 149 de pasageri, urma sa decoleze spre Teheran.

Un purtator de cuvant al aeroportului din capitala suedeza, Anders Bredfall, a afirmat ca avionul este intact si ca nu exista raniti. El a precizat ca personalul de urgenta a evacuat pasagerii.

Aparatul Airbus 300-600 urma sa decoleze spre Teheran, cand a alunecat circa 100 de metri de pe pista, in zapada. Cauza accidentului nu este cunoscuta.

In urma incidentului, oficialii au inchis una dintre cele trei piste ale aeroportului.

Conducerea aeroportului a anuntat ca nu se asteapta la intarzieri majore ale celorlalte zboruri."

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Numarul mesajelor : 857
Localizare : Macondo
Data de inscriere : 02/12/2008

Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista   Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista EmptyDum 17 Ian 2010, 15:52

a fost un sezon incarcat de astfel de incidente, aceasta iarna.
o lista cu incidentele, informatii preluate de pe

Air Berlin/NUE
Air Berlin/DTM
Yas Air/Kiev
Iran Air/ARN

o poza preluata de pe o iesire de pe pista "curata", fara nici o victima, avionu nu e distrus deci treaba buna facuta de piloti. din ce am citit pe pprune, se pare ca eng1 a decis sa nu mai functioneze, de aici un "thrust asymteric" care i-a scos de pe sosea, inainte sa apuce sa reactioneze.
Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista Epibb203jpgforweb
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Numarul mesajelor : 1835
Varsta : 35
Localizare : TIMISOARA - BANAT
Data de inscriere : 15/01/2009

Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista Empty
MesajSubiect: Departing Iran Air A300 comes off Stockholm runway [en]   Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista EmptyDum 17 Ian 2010, 19:36

Titlu:Departing Iran Air A300 comes off Stockholm runway
Autor: David Kaminski-Morrow
Data: 16.01.2010

Citat :
Sweden's capital airport, Stockholm Arlanda, has closed one of its runways after an Iranian aircraft veered off during departure.

The Iran Air Airbus A300 came to a halt around 100m off the runway surface.

Arlanda's operator states that the aircraft appears undamaged following the incident which occurred "at lunchtime".

Iran Air's timetable shows it is scheduled to operate a service from Stockholm to Tehran, flight IR762, departing at 12:15.

"The aircraft, which is parked in the snow alongside the runway, is in good condition," says the airport operator. "No-one on board is reported to be injured."

It says it has closed 'Runway 1' which is the designation it uses for runway 01L/19R, and a NOTAM issued for the airport confirms the decision.

The aircraft reportedly left the runway at low speed shortly after beginning its take-off roll. It is said to have been carrying 149 passengers.

Meteorological data for Arlanda at the time of the incident indicates the presence of light snow.

Passengers have been returned to the terminal building, says the airport operator.

Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1835
Varsta : 35
Localizare : TIMISOARA - BANAT
Data de inscriere : 15/01/2009

Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista Empty
MesajSubiect: Iran Air A300 engine spouts flame before Stockholm run-off [en]   Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista EmptyLun 18 Ian 2010, 13:26

Titlu: Iran Air A300 engine spouts flame before Stockholm run-off [en]
Autor:David Kaminski-Morrow

Citat :
Video images of the runway run-off by an Iran Air Airbus A300-600 at Stockholm Arlanda indicate that the aircraft suffered a technical problem with its left-hand engine shortly after starting its take-off roll.

The images clearly show a brief burst of flame from the left-hand General Electric CF6 engine.

This appears to result in a reduction of thrust on the left side and a yaw to the left, causing the A300 to veer off the runway into the snow.

The twin-jet - identified as serial number 727 - had been departing as flight IR762 for Tehran on 16 January, and the images indicate that the aircraft was using runway 19R located on the west side of the airport.

Stockholm Arlanda Airport's operator states that the aircraft had 172 occupants, including 149 passengers, but that no-one was injured in the incident.

While runway 01L/19R had to be closed, it adds, the impact on flight was minimal because the run-off occurred during off-peak hours.

Swedish air accident investigators have opened an inquiry into the event.


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Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista Empty
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Incident aviatic la Stockholm: un avion Iran Air a iesit de pe pista
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