cipi_TM Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 1409 Varsta : 43 Localizare : Timisoara Data de inscriere : 04/10/2008
| Subiect: Spanair Crash Result Of Human, Technical Error Mier 19 Aug 2009, 15:03 | |
| Titlu: Spanair Crash Result Of Human, Technical Error Sursa: Autor: *** Data: 17.08.2009 - Citat :
- Spanair Crash Result Of Human, Technical Error
A systems failure and pilots' error combined to cause the crash of the Spanair Boeing MD82 that killed 154 people in Madrid last year, concluded a preliminary report released on Monday. The Spanair MD82's flaps and slats were not extended as the aircraft was preparing for takeoff, but this was not noticed during the pilots' routine pre-departure check and the automatic on-board system did not alert the error, Spain's Civil Aviation Accidents Commission said in its report. "The aircraft had the standard procedures and check lists in force... which included the selection and confirmation of the correct configuration for takeoff," the report said. "The pilots used these procedures as a reference, but for some reason -- whether an interruption from the aircraft's first return to the terminal due to a mechanical problem, pressure due to time delays or faults in the cabin crew's work methods --, these were not strictly followed," it added. The Canary Island-bound flight shot off the runway into a ravine on takeoff and burst into flames on August 20, 2008. It was Spain's worst air crash in 25 years. Eighteen people survived. The Commission also made seven recommendations to improve international air safety which will be sent to the European Air Safety Agency, the International Civil Aviation Organisation, and the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States. The recommendations include pilots' verifying the aircraft's take-off warning system (TOWS) prior to every departure rather than just the first flight of the day, and a request to Boeing to review its TOWS. The MD-80 family was manufactured by McDonnell Douglas, which is now part of Boeing. Spanair is owned by Catalan investors and Scandinavia's SAS. The Commission also recommended an annual international aviation conference to revise check lists, crew training and improvements in work methods to ensure that crews correctly configure their aircraft before takeoff and landing. | |
Vizitato Vizitator
| Subiect: Re: Spanair Crash Result Of Human, Technical Error Mier 19 Aug 2009, 15:10 | |
| O traducere in romana daca se rog frumos Stau prost cu engleza |
Vizitato Vizitator
| Subiect: Raport accident Mier 19 Aug 2009, 23:01 | |
| Seamana, dar nu rasare. Ministerul dezvoltarii Spaniol, a dat publicitatii astazi raportul complect. Printre altele se arata cu degetul catre americani dar si mai ales catre .CIAIAC(un fel de NTSB Spaniol) In urma cu circa doi ani, o companie -MAPJET opera zboruri charter de pe Lanzarote catre Madrid, pentru Air Comet. Se pare ca si atunci sistemul TOW nu a alertat pilotii, acestia decoland fara flapsuri coborate. Insa tipul de aparat era MD83. Catastrofa a fost ratata la "mustata" datorita mai multor factori. Aeroportul se afla la nivelul marii, decolarea sa facut cu vant de bot, motoarele de pe MD83 sunt ceva mai puternice. Chiar daca cei de la NTSB, Boeing si alte cateva comisii de siguranta au investigat incidentul, pilotul companiei Mapjet venind personal pentru a da declaratii. Una peste alta se stia inca din ani 80 de problema sistemului TOW, iar MD emisese recomandarea ca verificarea lui sa se faca inainte de fiecare zbor. Dat fiind faptul ca SPANAIR este infiintata in ani 90, nu au stiut de aceasta informatie, astfel ei recomandand o verificare zilnica a sistemului. In plus, se pare ca pilotul a taiat puterea motorului stang pentru 2 secunde...iar catastrofa nu a mai putut fi evitata. In filmul inregistrat de camerele de securitate a aeroportului se observa clar cum avionul luneca pe aripa dreapta si ia contact cu pamantul. Pentru cei interesati(si care stiu spaniola sau sa foloseasca google translate) aveti tot ce doriti despre accident [url=http://tinyurl. com/JK5022]AICI[/url] |
Vizitato Vizitator
| Subiect: Re: Spanair Crash Result Of Human, Technical Error Joi 20 Aug 2009, 06:06 | |
| Aicea au aratat la un canal TV (Telemadrid) o recreatie 3D facuta de Guardia Civil (politia) despre ce sa intamplat. Arata exact ce sa intamplat. Pilotul nu si-a dat seama ca nu avea nici Flaps nici Slats findca in momentul cand trebuia sa le verifice, a vorbit cu copilotul pentur a cere autorizatie de taxi, dupacea au uitat de Flaps. Cu un pic de atentie se evita tragedia. Apropo, avionul nu sa ridicat de la sol nici macar un metru. |
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