| Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander | |
+13mihaiatanasie Steve Darke Dylan claudiup gaudi propellerdream neagu_laurentiu Vici NATO grassone retro GYN ovidiu51 17 participanți |
Autor | Mesaj |
ovidiu51 Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 1170 Varsta : 73 Localizare : Constanta (LRCK - CND) Data de inscriere : 29/12/2007
| Subiect: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mar 24 Mar 2009, 23:28 | |
| - retro a scris:
- BN2 ar merita un topic separat; este dupa Iak52 cel mai produs avion in Romania si unele surse indica chiar productia actuala a lui la Romaero ( ultimul a fost livrat in mai 2008!!!!!). Stie cineva mai multe?
retro, confirmarea vine de la Google, imagine 2008, un BN-2 nou noutz in fata halei Romaero | |
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GYN Flight Level 400
Numarul mesajelor : 1026 Varsta : 61 Localizare : Cluj-EREDI Data de inscriere : 09/02/2009
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mar 24 Mar 2009, 23:36 | |
Ultima editare efectuata de catre GYN in Mier 25 Mar 2009, 00:00, editata de 1 ori | |
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retro Flight Level 100
Numarul mesajelor : 156 Varsta : 50 Localizare : CRAIOVA Data de inscriere : 21/04/2008
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mar 24 Mar 2009, 23:55 | |
| - ovidiu51 a scris:
- retro a scris:
- BN2 ar merita un topic separat; este dupa Iak52 cel mai produs avion in Romania si unele surse indica chiar productia actuala a lui la Romaero ( ultimul a fost livrat in mai 2008!!!!!). Stie cineva mai multe?
retro, confirmarea vine de la Google, imagine 2008, un BN-2 nou noutz in fata halei Romaero
Poate imaginea este chiar din mai 2008
Ultima editare efectuata de catre Mengelaus in Mier 25 Mar 2009, 10:45, editata de 2 ori (Motiv : Scos imagine din quote.Incarcam forumul aiurea.N-are rost.) | |
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ovidiu51 Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 1170 Varsta : 73 Localizare : Constanta (LRCK - CND) Data de inscriere : 29/12/2007
| Subiect: BN-2 Mier 25 Mar 2009, 11:05 | |
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grassone Airport Level
Numarul mesajelor : 35 Varsta : 37 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 19/06/2009
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Sam 20 Iun 2009, 10:15 | |
| asta este BN-2'u cel care il vezi pe harta aceea | |
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grassone Airport Level
Numarul mesajelor : 35 Varsta : 37 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 19/06/2009
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Sam 20 Iun 2009, 18:49 | |
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ovidiu51 Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 1170 Varsta : 73 Localizare : Constanta (LRCK - CND) Data de inscriere : 29/12/2007
| Subiect: BN-2 Sam 20 Iun 2009, 21:56 | |
| - grassone a scris:
- asta este BN-2'u cel care il vezi pe harta aceea
Daca esti asa de aproape , ne spui si noua daca se mai produc si in 2009? este exemplarul nr cinci sute saizeci si....sau a trecut la 570 ? | |
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grassone Airport Level
Numarul mesajelor : 35 Varsta : 37 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 19/06/2009
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Sam 20 Iun 2009, 22:16 | |
| pai unul este in linia de fabricatie... dar din cate stiu o sa il faca pe componente si le trimite pachet in anglia... o sa fie ultimul din cate se aud pe acolo vorbe sunt multe, faptele conteaza mai mult, stiu sigur ca unul este in productie acuma si e cam 85% gata | |
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grassone Airport Level
Numarul mesajelor : 35 Varsta : 37 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 19/06/2009
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mar 30 Iun 2009, 19:58 | |
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retro Flight Level 100
Numarul mesajelor : 156 Varsta : 50 Localizare : CRAIOVA Data de inscriere : 21/04/2008
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mar 30 Iun 2009, 20:21 | |
| Foarte interesante ultimele doua fotografii. Mai pune, te rog. BNK mai este pe acolo? | |
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grassone Airport Level
Numarul mesajelor : 35 Varsta : 37 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 19/06/2009
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mar 30 Iun 2009, 20:25 | |
| - retro a scris:
- Foarte interesante ultimele doua fotografii. Mai pune, te rog.
BNK mai este pe acolo? o sa il caut sa vad daca mai este... | |
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NATO Flight Level 400
Numarul mesajelor : 764 Varsta : 57 Localizare : bucuresti-nord Data de inscriere : 17/12/2008
| Subiect: motor bn-2 Mier 01 Iul 2009, 08:14 | |
| grassone,motorul este tot batranul Lycoming? ce vad aici e sigur tot un boxer. | |
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grassone Airport Level
Numarul mesajelor : 35 Varsta : 37 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 19/06/2009
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mier 01 Iul 2009, 23:21 | |
| cel nou care a iesit vara trecuta are motorizare lycoming | |
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Vici Airport Level
Numarul mesajelor : 92 Data de inscriere : 03/03/2009
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mier 22 Iul 2009, 16:07 | |
| Stie cineva cate BN-2 au fost in serviciul Aviatiei Militare, in ce perioada si care a fost rolul lor? Singura urma este un BN-2 numarul 130 de la MAv... Am citit intr-un articol din Jurnalul national / Scanteia ca se folosea un BN-2 de la Flotila 50 / Otopeni sa-i duca mancarea lui Ceausescu de la Bucuresti la Neptun, cand statea la mare - sa fi fost 130? | |
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ovidiu51 Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 1170 Varsta : 73 Localizare : Constanta (LRCK - CND) Data de inscriere : 29/12/2007
| Subiect: Snagov Mier 22 Iul 2009, 17:10 | |
| - Vici a scris:
- Stie cineva cate BN-2 au fost in serviciul Aviatiei Militare, in ce perioada si care a fost rolul lor?
Singura urma este un BN-2 numarul 130 de la MAv... Am citit intr-un articol din Jurnalul national / Scanteia ca se folosea un BN-2 de la Flotila 50 / Otopeni sa-i duca mancarea lui Ceausescu de la Bucuresti la Neptun, cand statea la mare - sa fi fost 130? Ia-o usurel ca dai in balarii, stirile despre aviatie trebuie citite cu atentie. la Neptun esra doar un helipunct si nu pista de aterizare. BN-2 a fost in dotarea aviatiei militare in anii `70 si `80 | |
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neagu_laurentiu Flight Level 300
Numarul mesajelor : 342 Data de inscriere : 25/03/2008
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mar 20 Iul 2010, 12:59 | |
| Conform cu lista AACR, YR-RAB iese din circuit. Il vom vedea la un alt operator sau gata zborul pt. el ? | |
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propellerdream Flight Level 400
Numarul mesajelor : 622 Varsta : 50 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 19/07/2008
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mar 20 Iul 2010, 13:37 | |
| YR-RAB era de vanzare de multa vreme pe Plancheck.com Probabil ca a fost vandut. Lucru care nu prea imi convine... Aveam un proiect legat de el... | |
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gaudi Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 1152 Varsta : 46 Localizare : Ploiesti / Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 17/07/2008
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mar 20 Iul 2010, 19:10 | |
| - grassone a scris:
- pai unul este in linia de fabricatie... dar din cate stiu o sa il faca pe componente si le trimite pachet in anglia... o sa fie ultimul din cate se aud pe acolo
vorbe sunt multe, faptele conteaza mai mult, stiu sigur ca unul este in productie acuma si e cam 85% gata http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/05/28/342568/britten-norman-brings-production-back-to-the-uk.html | |
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claudiup Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 973 Varsta : 42 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 22/10/2008
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Dum 05 Dec 2010, 19:35 | |
| sursa: http://promotia1975.blogspot.com
Ultima editare efectuata de catre dylan in Joi 03 Mar 2011, 10:46, editata de 2 ori (Motiv : resize foto) | |
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neagu_laurentiu Flight Level 300
Numarul mesajelor : 342 Data de inscriere : 25/03/2008
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Mier 08 Dec 2010, 22:32 | |
| - propellerdream a scris:
- YR-RAB era de vanzare de multa vreme pe Plancheck.com Probabil ca a fost vandut. Lucru care nu prea imi convine... Aveam un proiect legat de el...
Tot in tara a fost vandut: http://www.caa.ro/fisiere/OPERATORI%20AERIENI%20ROMÂNI%2003.12.2010.doc | |
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ovidiu51 Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 1170 Varsta : 73 Localizare : Constanta (LRCK - CND) Data de inscriere : 29/12/2007
| Subiect: YR-BNP Joi 03 Mar 2011, 10:11 | |
| Dupa o perioada destul de lunga de inactivitate , YR-BNP si-a reluat activitatea de zbor. La inceputul saptamanii a efectuat un zbor la Tulcea | |
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Dylan Moderator
Numarul mesajelor : 4876 Varsta : 53 Localizare : Suceava Data de inscriere : 15/04/2008
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Joi 03 Mar 2011, 10:49 | |
| - ovidiu51 a scris:
- Dupa o perioada destul de lunga de inactivitate , YR-BNP si-a reluat activitatea de zbor.
La inceputul saptamanii a efectuat un zbor la Tulcea Vad ca apare si intr-o poza facuta de bolundache la TGM. Cel putin dupa exif, asta s-a intamplat in luna ianuarie anul asta... | |
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ovidiu51 Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 1170 Varsta : 73 Localizare : Constanta (LRCK - CND) Data de inscriere : 29/12/2007
| Subiect: YR-BNP Joi 03 Mar 2011, 16:08 | |
| Ai dreptate, la exif nu m-am uitat | |
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Steve Darke Flight Level 300
Numarul mesajelor : 340 Varsta : 71 Localizare : Arad Data de inscriere : 11/08/2010
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Joi 21 Apr 2011, 10:29 | |
| So there are now two Islanders flying in Romania? YR-BNP and YR-RAB?
Steve | |
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Steve Darke Flight Level 300
Numarul mesajelor : 340 Varsta : 71 Localizare : Arad Data de inscriere : 11/08/2010
| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander Joi 21 Apr 2011, 10:59 | |
| Interesting story about YR-BNK.
See http://s188567700.online.de/CMS/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=187
1978 Britten Norman BN-2A Islander
Although the fugitive aircraft was not military, this case saw involvement of the Air Force, thus it is presented for completeness sake. On the morning of Friday, 19 May 1978, two mechanics employed by CIPA (Centrul de Instruire a Personalului Aeronautic – Center for Aeronautical Personnel Training), came at their workplace, Baneasa airport in Bucharest, decided to steal a plane and fly it – for the first time in their life – all the way to Germany. Viorel Nicolae (age 23) and George Florescu (age 25) had several reasons: George’s cousin was not allowed to go to Germany for medical care, and eventually due to the rapid deterioration of his health he wasn’t able to escape with them, passing away three months later. They also lacked professional perspectives – being detached from TAROM to the less glamorous CIPA, not allowed to have a passport, plus were caught by the Police while driving a motorbike without license, and looked at 6 months in jail each.
At 2 PM, one of the aircraft Viorel was assigned to work on, a Britten Norman BN-2-A27 Islander registered YR-BNK landed after a training flight. This aircraft had previously been assigned to Aviasan, a nation-wide emergency medical flying service. Consequently, it still had large Red Cross signs on the fuselage. This detail was going to prove vital in the subsequent events. Viorel was very interested on how it behaved during the flight, asking the pilots lots of questions about any potential problems. As it was scheduled for another training sortie the next morning, he checked and fueled it up. Their plan was to take BN-2 serial YR-BNL because it had weather radar, but as BNL was running late, they decided to take BNK instead.
Being pay day, most of the people finished their program and left for home, or were about to do so, when the two mechanics sneaked on board, started the engines, and began to taxi very fast on the apron, directly towards the main building of the airport. The control tower, located on top of that building, was being refurbished with the controllers relocated to offices on the first floor, from where they could not see the apron. During the wild taxi roll, the BN-2 hit with its left wingtip the radome of a parked An-24 RV YR-AME. Than it banked sharply, at high speed, to the right and took the short taxiway to the runway. After the (no flaps) take-off the BN-2 gradually gained height but than apparently dived at treetop level over Baneasa forest. It was 3:15 PM. Initially nobody knew who was on board, but soon the military was ordered to force the plane to land. The pair of MiG-21s on QRA from the 91st Regiment at Deveselu had been scrambled, but a misunderstanding occurred over the radio, so they intercepted and forced down an An-2.
Meanwhile, the fugitives managed to cross the Carpathian Mountains trough the valleys and clouds, but only just, as they were flying below the mountain tops. The engines were set at 70% power in order to give maximum endurance. George was the pilot flying only by the instruments, while Viorel was the copilot helping with radio navigation (a key factor in such a long flight) and visual cues.
The two MiG-21MF-75 on alert belonging to the 93rd Regiment at Giarmata (near Timisoara) intercepted the BN-2, which was flying at an altitude of 600 meters. After passing in front of the Islander, one of the MiGs fired two long cannon bursts as warning. Viorel clearly saw the rounds impacting the ground ahead of them, and both heard the noise. They instinctively descended; their heading was towards Arad airport as they were using radio navigation, so it is possible that the MiG pilots thought they got the message and were going to land. There is also a report that the gun of the second MiG jammed. After the MiGs left, Viorel made a navigation correction, diverting from NDB Arad to the Hungarian border.
An AAA battery located nearby got them in its sights, but the battery commander received conflicting orders: one of the superior officers ordered him to shoot it down, another to hold his fire. In the confusion, the fugitives managed to cross the border into Hungary, after crossing a good part of Romania in a flight lasting 2,15 hours - out of the total flight time of 4 hours.
The Hungarians were asked to bring it down by the Romanian authorities. YR-BNK was intercepted and circled twice by a Hungarian MiG-21, which left them alone. Probably the Red Cross painted on the sides of the fuselage prevented a shootdown. The fugitives crossed Hungary from south-east to north-west with Lake Balaton as a waypoint and landed in Austria on a field, short of Vienna, lightly damaging the front landing gear as it hit an irrigation trench - all this after a missed attempt when Viorel achieved a hard three point landing purely by chance.
Although they wanted to reach Munich in Germany, the cloud covered Alps and impending sunset made them change the plan, remembering how narrow was their crossing of the Carpathians.
The aircraft was returned to Romania disassembled in a truck, several workers from IRMA being sent to Austria to dismantle it on-site. YR-BNK is currently (2009) in open storage at Baneasa, awaiting overhaul. Initially Viorel and George were sheltered in a refugee camp, but when Romania issued an extradition request, the Austrian authorities imprisoned them for 6 months and had doubts about their story, finding it hard to believe they were not qualified pilots. Finally, they were allowed to apply for political asylum and went to Melbourne, Australia. George never flew again, Viorel obtained PPL. Back in Romania, they were sentenced in absence to 40 years in prison.
The consequences of this defection were immediate: airports which did not share the runway with any air force units, as well as all the Romanian Air Club airfields received armed military guards. One could not fuel up or start an engine without written order shown to a supervising officer. As a measure of intimidation, two IAR-316 B Alouette III were detached to Baneasa from the 94th Helicopter Regiment based at Alexeni, each armed with four UB-4 (4 shot, 57mm unguided rocket pods) | |
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| Subiect: Re: Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander | |
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| Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander | |