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 Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO

In jos 
7 participanți

Numarul mesajelor : 857
Localizare : Macondo
Data de inscriere : 02/12/2008

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyDum 07 Iul 2013, 08:56

Titlu: Accident: Asiana B772 at San Francisco on Jul 6th 2013, touched down short of the runway, broke up and burst into flames
Sursa: av herald
Autor: Simon Hradecky
Data: 07.07.2013

Citat :

An Asiana Boeing 777-200, registration HL7742 performing flight OZ-214 from Seoul (South Korea) to San Francisco,CA (USA) with 291 passengers and 16 crew, touched down short of runway 28L impacting the edge separating the runway from the San Francisco Bay 115 meters/375 feet ahead of the runway threshold while landing on San Francisco's runway 28L at 11:27L (18:27Z), the tail plane, gear and engines separated, the aircraft came to a rest left of the runway about 490 meters/1600 feet past the runway threshold. The aircraft turned around by nearly 360 degrees, burst into flames and burned out, 305 occupants were able to evacuate the aircraft in time and are alive. 2 people are confirmed killed in the accident, 10 people are in critical condition, 38 more are in hospital care with injuries of lesser degrees, 82 occupants received minor injuries. The majority of survivors escaped without injuries.
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Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyDum 07 Iul 2013, 11:03

Cateva foto si filmulete :
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Numarul mesajelor : 4453
Varsta : 47
Localizare : Oradea
Data de inscriere : 26/12/2007

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyDum 07 Iul 2013, 22:04

Sa fie primul accident al unui B777? Din cate stiu, acest model are cele mai putine incidente grave, fiind cel mai sigur bimotor din lume...
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Numarul mesajelor : 1009
Varsta : 31
Localizare : Cluj-Napoca
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2008

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyDum 07 Iul 2013, 22:32

Nu,a mai fost unul la Londra cu un 777 BA!
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Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 3386
Varsta : 50
Localizare : Arad, LRAR
Data de inscriere : 30/04/2008

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyLun 08 Iul 2013, 08:48

Da, la cel de la Londra i-au cedat motoarele chiar pe finala mica...
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mario antonio
Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 1297
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Torino, Italia (TRN)
Data de inscriere : 07/08/2008

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyLun 08 Iul 2013, 12:17

Ciao tuturor,

Iata un video care surprinde in direct momentul incidentului, si da o idee asupra dinamicii acestuia. Se poate observa aeronava care este prea jos, ulteior in urma impactului pierde coada, si se rostogoleste oprindu-se apoi pe burta.

Urmarind imeginile este incredibil ca bilantul a fost cel cunoscut.

Ultima editare efectuata de catre mario antonio in Lun 08 Iul 2013, 15:33, editata de 1 ori
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Numarul mesajelor : 1683
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 24/10/2008

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyLun 08 Iul 2013, 13:23

mario antonio a scris:
Ciao tuturor,

Iata un video care surprinde in direct momentul incidentului, si da o idee asupra dinamicii acestuia. Se poate observa aeronava care este prea jos, ulteior in urma impactului pierde coada, si se rostogoleste oprindu-se apoi pe burta.

Urmarind imeginile este incredibil ca bilantul a fost cel cunoscut.

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probabil ca e vorba despre acest filmulet:

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mario antonio
Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 1297
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Torino, Italia (TRN)
Data de inscriere : 07/08/2008

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyLun 08 Iul 2013, 15:34

Ciao Balki,

Corect, am modificat postul precedent verificand ca link-ul este bun.
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Numarul mesajelor : 857
Localizare : Macondo
Data de inscriere : 02/12/2008

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyLun 08 Iul 2013, 16:06

Acesta este primul accident din istorie cu un B777 in urma caruia sunt pierderi de vieti omenesti. Si faptul ca au pierit doar 2 persoane arata cat de solid e avionul acesta. E un miracol ca nu au murit mai multi, cine a vazut clipul cu impactul judeca singur.
Accidentul BA cu B777 nu a avut pierderi de vieti omenesti, si acolo s-a vazut inca data cat de bine a rezistat avionul la impact.

Se pare ca au venit prea jos si cu viteza mica, considerabil sub cele 130-140 knots necesare. Cu o secunda jumatate de impact au vrut sa faca go around, au anuntat atc de intentie, insa nu au mai apucat sa se ridice.

Un update aici:
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mario antonio
Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 1297
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Torino, Italia (TRN)
Data de inscriere : 07/08/2008

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyLun 08 Iul 2013, 17:07

Ciao tuturor,

Ultimul briefing al presendintei NTSB in legatura cu accidentul:
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Numarul mesajelor : 857
Localizare : Macondo
Data de inscriere : 02/12/2008

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyMier 10 Iul 2013, 09:06

103 knots in loc de 137 knots, set target speed.

Source: Chairman Hersman's third media briefing on Asiana flight 214 crash July 9, 2013 - YouTube

Partial Paraphrased Transcript of Third Media Briefing by NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman on July 9, 2013

3 pilots in the cockpit at time of the crash; 1 pilot seated in the cabin.
Pilot Flying seating in the left seat.
Instructor Pilot seated in the right seat.
Relief First Officer sitting in the jump seat.
Relief Captain sitting in the cabin.


#1 PILOT FLYING [Captain Lee Kang Kuk]
9,700 total flight time, 5,000 hours as Pilot In Command.
This was his initial operating experience in the 777.
To complete initial operating experience for Asiana he is required to have 20 flights and 60 flight hours.
He had completed 10 legs and about 35 hours flying the 777; was about half way through his initial operating experience on the 777.
He was hired in 1994.
He did his initial training in Florida.
Is rated in the 737, 747, A320 and 777.
Was ground school instructor and a sim instructor for the A320/321
He was a captain on the A320 from 2005-2013.
Immediately prior to his initial operating experience on the 777, he was a captain on the A320.

#2 INSTRUCTOR PILOT (Captain Lee Jung Min)
The instructor pilot was seated in the right seat and is also a captain.
He reported total flight time as 13,000 hours with an estimated 3,000 in the 777.
Total Pilot In Command time was about 10,000 hours.
He had been in the Korean Air Force for 10 years
He reported this was his first trip as an instructor pilot.
The instructor pilot stated he was the PIC and sitting in the right seat
This was the first time that he and the pilot he was instructing had flown together.

The Relief First Officer who was sitting in the jump seat reported he had 4,600 hours flight time.
He estimated he had 900-1000 flying in the 777.
He flew F-5s and F-16s in the Korean Air Force.
He had flown to San Francisco 5 or 6 times as the Pilot Monitoring.

4th pilot was the Relief Captain and was not in the cockpit for the approach.

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Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO EmptyDum 21 Iul 2013, 11:10

Este confirmat, una dintre cele 3 victime a supravietuit accidentului aerian si a murit calcata de 1 masina de pompieri.

Victima era intinsa pe pista si nu era foarte vizibila din cauza spumei anti-incendiu.

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Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO   Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO Empty

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Asiana B777-crash landing at SFO
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