| Air France considers Paris-London A380 service [en] | |
Autor | Mesaj |
Alex_tm Moderator
Numarul mesajelor : 1835 Varsta : 35 Localizare : TIMISOARA - BANAT Data de inscriere : 15/01/2009
| Subiect: Air France considers Paris-London A380 service [en] Mar 11 Mai 2010, 16:40 | |
| Titlu: Air France considers Paris-London A380 service [en]Sursa: flightglobal.comAutor:: David Kaminski-MorrowData: 11.05.2010 - Citat :
- Air France is considering deploying Airbus A380 aircraft on the short route between Paris and London Heathrow.
The airline has three of the type, which are serving New York JFK and Johannesburg.
But a spokeswoman for the airline says that the carrier is looking at other options to exploit the capacity and, while the plan has not been firmed, it is not ruling out putting the 538-seat jet on the route.
While not giving full details of the reasoning behind the potential deployment, which could occur "in the next few weeks", she indicates that pilot training and a desire to maximise the use of the aircraft are among the considerations.
She adds that Paris-London is a busy route and other carriers have shown that they can justify large-capacity aircraft on relatively short, high-density sectors.
Ce parere aveti?? Alex | |
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kampfmaschine Moderator
Numarul mesajelor : 1927 Varsta : 45 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010
| Subiect: Re: Air France considers Paris-London A380 service [en] Mar 11 Mai 2010, 17:02 | |
| Daca strang indeajuns de calatori... de ce nu.
Insa problema e ca vor dori sa taxeze in plus doar pentru ca mergi cu 380 (parere personala), ceea ce nu e ok.
Sunt multi (companii) care au renuntat la ruta Paris-Londra din cauza :
1. Eurostar 2. Sunt multe companii care ofera ruta asta (competitie mare)
E insa un calcul interesant de fezabilitate. Stie cineva ce load factori sunt pe ruta asta la diversi operatori ? | |
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Alex_tm Moderator
Numarul mesajelor : 1835 Varsta : 35 Localizare : TIMISOARA - BANAT Data de inscriere : 15/01/2009
| Subiect: Air France: London A380 flight stops jet sitting idle in Paris [en] Joi 13 Mai 2010, 14:58 | |
| Titlu: Air France: London A380 flight stops jet sitting idle in Paris [en] Sursa: flightglobal.com Autor: David Kaminski-Morrow Data: 13.05.2010 - Citat :
- Air France is to go ahead with deploying its Airbus A380 aircraft on the Paris-London sector, in order to avoid parking the aircraft unused for long periods in France.
The carrier's summer schedule shows that its daily AF995 service from Johannesburg arrives in Paris Charles de Gaulle at 06:05, but does not depart again as AF990 until 23:20.
This means the 538-seat aircraft would remain idle in Paris for nearly 18 hours, and Air France believes it can capitalise on the downtime by offering a high-capacity link to London.
"A very early arrival in Paris and a late departure in the evening leaves the aircraft available during the day to operate the Paris-London-Paris route, in between two long-haul flights," says a spokeswoman for Air France.
It states that the flight, designated AF1980/1981 will be available between 12 June and 30 August. The service will depart Paris at 10:05 and arrive back in the French capital at 15:05, slotting between the South African sectors.
Air France is selling business-class and economy-class fares on the route, although it has not listed a first-class option.
The airline usually uses Airbus A320-family aircraft on the Paris-London route but the carrier also offers a turboprop link with ATR 72s.
"The crew of the A380 operating between Paris and London are fully qualified to fly on this type of aircraft and have all flown the A380 between Paris, Johannesburg and New York," the spokeswoman adds. Air France uses the A380 for a daily New York JFK flight.
Air France, which has three A380s, is to introduce a fourth in the second half of this year, and deploy it on the Tokyo Narita route. Alex | |
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Thomas Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 913 Varsta : 59 Localizare : Göttingen Data de inscriere : 04/01/2008
| Subiect: Re: Air France considers Paris-London A380 service [en] Joi 20 Mai 2010, 00:10 | |
| Alex, you´re the man Stirea ta m-a facut curios si m-am uitat un pic prin sistemele de rezervari În consecinta am luat hotarârea "sa ma dau cu 380-u´" Chiar am facut booking, folosindu-ma desigur de diverse site-uri si trucuri stiute: Excursia va avea loc pe 12.06 (sâmbata) si va avea urmatorul itinerariu: LH 4270 DUS 07.05 - 08.15 CDG (735) AF 1980 CDG 10.05 - 10.25 LHR ( 388) BA 940 LHR 13.25 - 15.50 DUS (319) Pret total: 232,-€Nu e chiar extrem de ieftin, dar ma rog, fiecare cu damblaua lui, nu? Adica nu este foarte ieftin comparat cu alte zboruri de ale mele ... tot ce costa peste 100,-€ pentru return mi se pare scump deja Însa pentru un asemenea itinerariu si cu companii traditionale ... eu zic ca este totusi foarte bine. Am ajuns la acest pret cumparând asa: LH - dus-întors, cu returul undeva prin iulie AF - dus-întors, cu returul undeva prin octombrie BA - oneway Normal ca retururile acelea nu le voi face. Pâna la DUS fac aproximativ 2 ore jumate cu masina, deci voi pleca de pe la 3 dimineata si pe la 6 jumate voi fi din nou acasa. Daca mai pun benzina si parcarea ma încadrez în 300,-€. | |
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Alex_tm Moderator
Numarul mesajelor : 1835 Varsta : 35 Localizare : TIMISOARA - BANAT Data de inscriere : 15/01/2009
| Subiect: Re: Air France considers Paris-London A380 service [en] Joi 20 Mai 2010, 00:24 | |
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atr_42_500 Flight Level 400
Numarul mesajelor : 1059 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 26/03/2008
| Subiect: Re: Air France considers Paris-London A380 service [en] Joi 20 Mai 2010, 14:15 | |
| Felicitari, Thomas! Sper sa nu se schimbe AF avionul! | |
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Thomas Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 913 Varsta : 59 Localizare : Göttingen Data de inscriere : 04/01/2008
| Subiect: Re: Air France considers Paris-London A380 service [en] Joi 20 Mai 2010, 14:37 | |
| Mersi, îti dai seama ca si eu sper ca nu o s-o faca Oricum, pe lânga 380 mai sunt ceva premiere pentru mine: n-am zburat pâna acuma niciodata AF sau BA ... dar ma rog, pentru asta desigur ca n-as plati 300,-€ doar asa pentru plimbare. | |
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| Subiect: Re: Air France considers Paris-London A380 service [en] | |
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| Air France considers Paris-London A380 service [en] | |