Mengelaus Fotograf
Numarul mesajelor : 4083 Varsta : 42 Localizare : Cluj Napoca Data de inscriere : 23/06/2008
| Subiect: US Airways jet lands when religious item mistaken as bomb[EN] Vin 22 Ian 2010, 06:45 | |
| Titlu: US Airways jet lands when religious item mistaken as bomb Sursa: Autor: Jon Hurdle Data: 21jan10 Continut: - Citat :
- PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) – A US Airways passenger plane was diverted to Philadelphia on Thursday after a religious item worn by a Jewish passenger was mistaken as a bomb, Philadelphia police said.
A passenger was alarmed by the phylacteries, religious items which observant Jews strap around their arms and heads as part of morning prayers, on the flight from New York's La Guardia airport heading to Louisville.
"Someone on the plane construed it as some kind of device," said officer Christine O'Brien, a spokeswoman for the Philadelphia police department.
No one was arrested or charged, O'Brien said.
The plane landed without incident and the passengers and crew were taken off the plane, a spokesman for US Airways said.
Phylacteries, called tefillin in Hebrew, are two small black boxes with black straps attached to them. Observant Jewish men are required to place one box on their head and tie the other one on their arm each weekday morning. Nu era mai usor sa-l intrebe pe pasager? A ajuns prea departe isteria asta. | |