electric Membru activ
Numarul mesajelor : 1166 Varsta : 50 Localizare : Bucuresti Data de inscriere : 10/03/2008
| Subiect: Un avion British Airways a aterizat de urgenţă în Nigeria Lun 26 Ian 2009, 10:53 | |
| Un avion British Airways a aterizat de urgenţă în Nigeria din cauza unui motor care luase foc Sursa: Realitatea TV Data: 25.01.2009 Autor: *** - Citat :
- Un avion al companiei British Airways care decolase sâmbătă de la Abuja spre Londra cu 155 de pasageri la bord a fost nevoit să aterizeze de urgenţă la Kano, în nordul Nigeriei, din cauza unui motor care luase foc.
Potrivit unui comunicat al unei societăţi de consultanţă care lucrează pentru British Airways, aparatul, un Boeing 777 decolase de aproximativ o oră de la Abuja când echipajul a detectat fum provenind de la unul dintre motoare.
Pilotul a decis schimbarea rutei spre aeroportul cel mai apropiat şi a aterizat în scurt timp la Kano.
British Airways Says Nigeria Landing Was ‘Precaution’ on Fumes Sursa: Bloomberg Autor: Andrew Cleary Data: 25.01.2009 - Citat :
- British Airways Plc, the U.K.’s largest airline, said a London-bound plane was forced to make a “priority landing” in northern Nigeria yesterday after the pilots detected fumes in the cockpit.
The crew “decided to divert the flight as a precaution,” Cathy West, a spokeswoman for British Airways, said by telephone today. “This was not a mayday, emergency landing as has been reported.”
She wouldn’t comment on an Agence France-Presse report that said smoke was seen coming from one of the engines prior to the landing. British Airways’ internal report on the incident didn’t mention an engine fire, West said, adding that the full cause of the unscheduled landing won’t be known until engineers can inspect the plane.
The flight from the Nigerian capital, Abuja, had 155 people on board and landed safely at Kano airport with no passengers injured, West said. She said the airline was working to get the passengers home, including using other carriers.
To contact the reporter on this story: Andrew Cleary in London at acleary7@bloomberg.net Pentru mai multe stiri din aviatie, va invitam sa vizitati sectiunea corespunzatoare din site-ul Asociaţiei "Aripi Româneşti": http://www.aripiromanesti.ro | |