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 KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol

In jos 
8 participanți

Numarul mesajelor : 1835
Varsta : 35
Localizare : TIMISOARA - BANAT
Data de inscriere : 15/01/2009

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyVin 12 Feb 2010, 14:10

Titlu: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol
Autor:: David Kaminski-Morrow
Data: 12.02.2010

Citat :
Dutch investigators have opened an inquiry after a KLM Boeing 737-300 took off from a taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol yesterday.

The aircraft, registered PH-BDP, was departing on a service to Warsaw when the incident occurred.

Flight KL1369 was supposed to use runway 36C but instead took off from taxiway B which runs parallel on the eastern side.

A spokeswoman for the Dutch Safety Board states that the incident is being classified as "serious" by the investigators.

The aircraft continue to Warsaw and the crew was interviewed on return, she adds.

KLM lists KL1369's scheduled departure time as 20:20 and the spokesman says the incident took place at 20:36.

Amsterdam Schiphol would have been in darkness at this time. Meteorological data from the airport shows good visibility and weather conditions at the time.

Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 4083
Varsta : 42
Localizare : Cluj Napoca
Data de inscriere : 23/06/2008

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyVin 12 Feb 2010, 15:18

Asta-i chiar tare. Banuiesc ca "human error" nu?
Sus In jos
Flight Level 400
Flight Level 400

Numarul mesajelor : 622
Varsta : 50
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 19/07/2008

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyVin 12 Feb 2010, 15:22

Mi se pare o situatie incredibila... Culoarea luminilor balizajului e diferita la pista fata de calea de rulare. Si latimea pistei de la Schipol e clar mai mare decat o cale de rulare amarata... Foarte ciudat si interesant incident...
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 4083
Varsta : 42
Localizare : Cluj Napoca
Data de inscriere : 23/06/2008

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyVin 12 Feb 2010, 15:34

Da foarte ciudat. Si sunt de acord cu investigatorii care spun ca e un incident serios.
Sus In jos
Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 973
Varsta : 42
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 22/10/2008

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyVin 12 Feb 2010, 16:36

Acuma si voi... Poate se filma un episod din Myth Busters!
Fara misto, insa ma duc cu gandul la acel pilot de la KLM care, nerabdator, a decolat fara acordul turnului si a declansat cea mai mare tragedie din istoria aviatiei comerciale civile
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 857
Localizare : Macondo
Data de inscriere : 02/12/2008

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyLun 15 Feb 2010, 00:49

ceea ce ma surprinde este ca ca e vorba de KLM. Daca era vorba de china airlines mai intelegeam. dar KLM?!!! la ei acasa!! este chiar tare.
Sus In jos
Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 438
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 24/09/2008

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyLun 15 Feb 2010, 10:13

Ha, ha chiar tare lol! , acum imi e mila de piloti!
Sus In jos
Flight Level 400
Flight Level 400

Numarul mesajelor : 1059
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 26/03/2008

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyLun 15 Feb 2010, 13:00

Fara sa fiu pilot, cred ca unul din marile pericole ale aviatiei este rutina. Evident ca un taxiway este marcat alftel decat o pista, dar, fiind o rutina poate nu au double checked...
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 857
Localizare : Macondo
Data de inscriere : 02/12/2008

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyLun 15 Feb 2010, 14:15

e ciudata iintamplarea, mai ales ca e vb de b737-300.
avionu trebuia sa decoleze de pe 36C si a decolat de pe taxi-way B paralel cu pista. era noapte insa asta nu scuza cu nimic. eu nu pot pune o poza acu insa sunt destule cu zona pe JP, daca poate pune cineva una.

incidente de genu asta s-au mai intamplat insa cu precadere a fost vorba de aterizare pe o pista gresita. acu doi ani un IranAir a aterizat in Dubai pe o pista inchisa ptr lucrari. si-a spart cauciucurile si atat din fericire.
una si mai tare s-a intamplat anu trecut cand un turkish airlines a aterizat pe un aeroport gresit. a aterizat pe un aeroport militar, in loc de cel civil. intamplarea s-a petrecut in Tbilisi, Georgia.

daca turcalete a nimerit macar tara nu acelasi lucru s-a intamplat, in trecut (cand navigatia se facea mult mai rudimentar) cu altii piloti care au aterizat din greseala intr-o alta tara. in 1995, un DC-10 a pus rotile jos la Bruxelles in loc de Frankfurt, incidentul nu e singular.
Sus In jos
Flight Level 400
Flight Level 400

Numarul mesajelor : 622
Varsta : 50
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 19/07/2008

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyLun 15 Feb 2010, 14:59

Boeing777-300 a scris:
daca turcalete a nimerit macar tara nu acelasi lucru s-a intamplat, in trecut (cand navigatia se facea mult mai rudimentar) cu altii piloti care au aterizat din greseala intr-o alta tara. in 1995, un DC-10 a pus rotile jos la Bruxelles in loc de Frankfurt, incidentul nu e singular.
Dar s-a intamplat si cu Tarom o faza asemanatoare. AN 24 care a aterizat pe un aeroport gresit in Cipru. Pe un aeroport de pe care abia a mai putut decola fiindca era foarte scurta pista (de fapt era o baza pentru elicoptere militare). Povestea scrisa foarte picant de Cornel Marandiuc o puteti citi aici.
Sus In jos
Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 1031
Varsta : 62
Localizare : Cluj-Napoca
Data de inscriere : 15/10/2008

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyLun 15 Feb 2010, 15:45

Boeing777-300 a scris:
e ciudata iintamplarea, mai ales ca e vb de b737-300.
avionu trebuia sa decoleze de pe 36C si a decolat de pe taxi-way B paralel cu pista. era noapte insa asta nu scuza cu nimic. eu nu pot pune o poza acu insa sunt destule cu zona pe JP, daca poate pune cineva una.

incidente de genu asta s-au mai intamplat insa cu precadere a fost vorba de aterizare pe o pista gresita. acu doi ani un IranAir a aterizat in Dubai pe o pista inchisa ptr lucrari. si-a spart cauciucurile si atat din fericire.
una si mai tare s-a intamplat anu trecut cand un turkish airlines a aterizat pe un aeroport gresit. a aterizat pe un aeroport militar, in loc de cel civil. intamplarea s-a petrecut in Tbilisi, Georgia.

daca turcalete a nimerit macar tara nu acelasi lucru s-a intamplat, in trecut (cand navigatia se facea mult mai rudimentar) cu altii piloti care au aterizat din greseala intr-o alta tara. in 1995, un DC-10 a pus rotile jos la Bruxelles in loc de Frankfurt, incidentul nu e singular.

Si ca sa completam seria "misslanding" , acum cativa ani un Ryanair a confundat aeroporturile si in loc sa aterizeze la Derry parca, a aterizat pe un aerodrom gresit din Irlanda de Nord. Nu mai retin amanunte , dar in mare asta s-a intamplat.

LE : Intre timp am gasit si amanuntele : cursa FR 9884 Liverpool - Derry a aterizat in interiorul unei baze militare , la 5 miles de Derry City Airport , dupa ce primise "clear to land" pe Derry.
Amanunte si o relatare savuroasa , aici :
Sus In jos
Flight Level 400
Flight Level 400

Numarul mesajelor : 1059
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 26/03/2008

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol EmptyMar 16 Feb 2010, 09:42


Citat :
Airliner unexpectedly landed at military airdrome
Airliner of Turkish Airlines, implementing the Istanbul-Tbilisi flight has unexpectedly landed at the Vaziani military airdrome instead of the Tbilisi International airport. Passengers have been remaining at the territory of the airdrome so far. Patrol and military polices have been mobilized at site.

Georgian representatives of the Turkish National Airlines have made no official comment so far. Giorgi Karbelashvili, the head of the Georgian Air Navigation said, representatives of the Turkish Airlines have confessed that the pilot`s mistake has caused the sudden landing at the military airdrome. He has presumably confused the landing paths.

A special ladder has been taken to site, by means of which the passengers will be evacuated and later they will leave the territory of the airdrome by buses. Investigation has been launched and it will show whether the sudden landing has been caused by the pilot`s mistake or other technical problems.
Sus In jos
Continut sponsorizat

KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol   KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol Empty

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KLM 737 takes off from taxiway at Amsterdam Schiphol
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