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 Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene

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Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyDum 17 Ian 2010, 15:24


Incerc sa fac o prima descriere generala (sper sa fie cat mai completa si interesanta) si va propun sa adaugati aici informatii despre miscari ulterioare in cadrul aliantelor. Daca e nevoie ca post-ul sa fie mutat altundeva, pls do).

Cei 3 mari…

Aliantele intre companiile aeriene sunt acorduri de cooperare intre comanii aeriene.

Din motive in principal economice o companie opereaza dintr-o singura baza (sau doar cateva, daca este o companie mare). Ea regrupeaza in locul respectiv activitatile administrative si mai ales intretinerea avioanelor. Furnizarea diverselor prestatii in escale costa foarte mult (mult mai mult decat ar costa in baza proprie). Din aceasta cauza, companiile aeriene fac adesea acorduri bilaterale cu o companie locala pentru subtratarea sau schimbul de servicii : inregistrarea pasagerilor, manuirea bagajelor, intretinerea curenta a avionului…

Pasul urmator este code sharing-ul : una dintre companii asigura zborul, care este identificat cu cate un cod de catre fiecare dintre companii si fiecare are reprezentanti in escale. Ex : cursa Bucuresti – Paris are 5 zboruri zilnice in code sharing intre Air France si Tarom (2 zboruri operate de Tarom si 3 de catre Air France). Ambele companii au toate cele 5 zboruri in oferta si fiecare zbor are 2 coduri (1 pt Air France si 1 pt Tarom). Asa ca poti sa cumperi bilet la Air France si sa zbori cu Tarom, sau invers.

Odata cu dezvoltarea traficului si concurenta intre companii, acestea au vrut sa-si fidelizeze clientii.Unealta aleasa a fost programul de fidelizare care, pentru a putea functiona eficace, trebuie sa permita pasagerilor sa ajunga in cele mai variate destinatii. Extinderea companiilor in afara teritoriului fiind limitata din motive economice (vezi mai sus), dar si din cauza diverselor tratate intre state care limiteaza concurenta pe anumite rute, s’au angajat programe de creare a unor aliante.

Obiectivele unei aliante :

- Fidelizarea pasagerilor prin crearea unui program comun de acumulare de puncte care sad ea dreptul la zboruri gratuite (ex : Flying Blue)
- Multiplicarea serviciilor la sol : saloane de asteptare private, agentie locala de reprezentare
- Cresterea numarului de destinatii oferite si a frecventei zborurilor
- Inregistrare unica si corespondenta (escala) facilitata intre zboruri din aceeasi alianta, chiar daca cu companii diferite
- Standarde de servicii similare pe intreaga retea

Principalele aliante sunt (in ordinea marimii) :

Star Alliance
Sky Team

Componenta :
Star Alliance (in octombrie 2009, doar membrii fara asociati) :

Adria Airways
Air Canada
Air China
Air New Zealand
Asiana Airlines
Austrian Airlines
Brussels Airlines
Croatia Airlines
LOT Polish Airlines
Shanghai Airlines
Singapore Airlines
South African Airways
TAP Air Portugal
Thai Airways International
Turkish Airlines
United Airlines
US Airways

Sky Team (in octombrie 2009, doar membrii fara asociati) :

Air France-KLM
China Southern Airlines
CSA Czech Airlines
Delta care a fuzionat cu Northwest
Korean Air

Oneworld (in octombrie 2009, doar membrii fara asociati) :

American Airlines (AA)
Topco (British Airways (BA) + Iberia (IB) )
Cathay Pacific (CX)
Finnair (AY)
Japan Airlines (JL)
Malév (MA)
Mexicana (MX)
Qantas (QF)
Royal Jordanian (RJ)

Pe langa acesti membri cu drepturi depline, fiecare alinata mai are parteneriate cu diverse companii care aspira sa acceada la una dintre aliante.

De exmeplu :

In Sky Team vor intra in iunie 2010 Tarom si Vietnam Airlines. Alti membri asociati : Middle East Airlines ; Air Europa ; Kenya Airways.

Perspective viitoare de intrare in alianta Sky Team : JAL (Delta a investit in JAL, deci…) ; Malaysia Airlines ; China Airlines ; Uzbekistan Airways

Viitori membri in Star Alliance : Aegean Airlines ; Air India ; TAM

Viitori membri in Oneworld : S7 Airlines

Pentru a avea o idee ce reprezinta aceste 3 aliante : ele reprezinta impreuna aprox 50% din traficul aerian commercial mondial

Alte aliante (foarte departe ca marime) :

Alianza Summa care in 2004 regrupa : Avianca, SAM si ACES
AiRUnion care regrupeaza companiile rusesti : KrasAir, Domodedovo Airlines, Samara Airlines, Omskavia, Sibaviatrans.

Si ceea ce eu salut : prima alianta intre companii de low-cost : Air Berlin si FlyNiki.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyVin 16 Apr 2010, 10:06

Titlu : China Eastern Agrees To Join SkyTeam
Sursa :
Autor : Reuters
Data : 15/04/2010

Citat :
Shanghai-based China Eastern Airlines has reached an initial agreement to join the SkyTeam global airline alliance, a senior executive with the carrier said on Thursday.

SkyTeam includes Air France-KLM and Delta Air Lines, as well as China Southern Airlines, China's largest carrier by fleet size.

The China Eastern executive declined to be identified before an official announcement.

China Eastern, the last of China's major carriers to join a global grouping, said it would make an announcement on Friday about an airline alliance but did not specify which alliance.

An official with the airline said in February it was in talks with the Star Alliance, oneWorld and SkyTeam about a possible affiliation but had not selected a preferred partner.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1327
Varsta : 43
Localizare : Canada
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2008

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyVin 16 Apr 2010, 17:54

Interesanta lista! Dupa cate am auzit, WestJet Airlines din Canada vor sa intre in OneWorld, dar inca nu sa decis 100%. Westjet e totusi o companie foarte mare, si e Nr. 2 in Canada dupa Air Canada. Are peste 90 de avioane tip Boeing 737-600/700/800
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyVin 14 Mai 2010, 10:43

De notat : TAM face parte din Star.

Titlu : Star expects to add more members in Latin America and Africa
Sursa : Flightglobal
Autor : Brendan Sobie
Data : 14.05.2010

Citat :
The Star Alliance is focusing recruitment efforts in Africa and Latin America as the grouping is poised to expand beyond 30 members.

Star Alliance CEO Jaan Albrecht says "our main focus now is Africa" as Star looks to continue expanding as part of its "white spot strategy". He says a second focus is South America - "a continent that offers great opportunities".

Brazil's TAM became Star's 27th member and first in Latin America at a 13 May ceremony in Sao Paulo. Albrecht said at the ceremony that Greek's Aegean Airlines will be the 28th member and is on course to formally join in the "summertime of this year". Aegean is in the process of merging with Olympic Airways, and when it formally joins Star the carrier will be known as Olympic.

Albrecht says Air India will be Star's 29th member but did not specify when the carrier would formally join. Both Air India and Aegean have already been accepted by Star and are now going through the integration process.

In Latin America, Star has been talking to Avianca-TACA and Copa. Star invited both Avianca-TACA CEO Fabio Villegas and Copa CEO Pedro Heilbron to Sao Paulo this week to participate in some of the alliance's meetings

Heilbron told ATI that talks with Star continued this week and Copa still plans to decide around mid-year whether to join Star or stay independent. Copa has been considering following Continental Airlines into Star since the two carriers exited SkyTeam last year.

Continental is Copa's largest bilateral partner and previously owned a stake in the Panamanian airline group. Helilbron says Continental's recently announced plan to merge with fellow Star member United Airlines does not have any negative impact on Copa's Star decision process.

"It's better. They just got twice as big," Heilbron says of the combined Continental-United.

Albrecht also says a merged Continental-United is a positive development for Star. "This is good for our customers, this is good for our members, this is good for Star Alliance," he says.

He points out that Lufthansa in recent years has acquired several other Star members. "We look forward to alliances within alliances," Albrecht says.

Heilbron says Copa's Colombian subsidiary Aero Republica would join Star with Copa if the decision is made to become a Star member. As a result Star could potentially have two Colombian members as Avianca-TACA also plans to decide this year on whether to join Star. Heilbron, however, says a potential Aero Republica-Avianca conflict would not stop Copa from joining Star.

"Every alliance has overlaps. They get solved," Heilbron says.

If Avianca-TACA joined Star the alliance would also have two airline members in Brazil. The Avianca-TACA group includes airlines in several Latin American countries including Brazil's OceanAir, which was recently rebranded Avianca.

In Africa Star already has two members in South African Airways and EgyptAir. Albrecht says Star is already the strongest alliance in Africa but there is a desire to become even stronger. Star has been in talks with Ethiopian Airlines for the last few years and Ethiopian has said it plans to formally submit in 2010 an application to join the alliance.

Titlu : TAM expects Star to generate $60m in additional revenues
Sursa : Flightglobal
Autor : Brendan Sobie
Data : 14.05.2010

Citat :
Brazil's TAM expects its membership in Star Alliance to generate at least $60 million in additional annual revenues.

TAM CEO Libano Barroso says the revenue projection is a "conservative estimate" for the incremental revenue the carrier expects from the additional passengers it will attract as a Star member. TAM formally joined Star on 13 May at a ceremony in Sao Paulo.

Barroso says TAM expects Star will eventually drive a 3% to 5% increase in its international passenger traffic. He estimates it could take two years for these figures to be reached as it will take time for TAM to gain global recognition, a typical by-product of joining Star.

Star Alliance CEO Jaan Albrecht says TAM fills a key void for Star as it is the alliance's first Latin American member since Varig left Star in 2006. Varig was in Star for several years, joining as the seventh member, or the first airline to be added after the six founding members. Star, which now has 27 members, is celebrating its 13th anniversary on 14 May with a special midnight celebration in Rio de Janeiro. "Today South America is coming back home," Albrecht said during the Sao Paulo ceremony. "We're proud to call Brazil our home market again."

He points out that TAM immediately gives Star members access to 36 additional South American cities. As a result, TAM "opens up an entire continent to our alliance a continent with a bright future".

Albrecht says Sao Paulo will also become one of Star's largest hubs. He says Star has already begun working with the Brazilian government on introducing infrastructure improvements at Sao Paulo's main international airport, Guarulhos, to improve the passenger experience.

Albrecht calls TAM "a perfect fit for South America because we share the same principles".

Barroso says joining the world's largest alliance "takes us to a new level and will lead us to consolidating TAM as a global company". While TAM has already succeeded in its vision to become the largest airline in South America, "entering Star Alliance was very crucial for [further] growth of the company".

He says TAM first contacted Star about joining the alliance in 2006. Integration work began in October 2008 after Star announced TAM had been accepted as a new member. Barroso says over the last 19 months TAM completely overhauled its IT system, "reorganised our processes" and "implemented many changes".
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Kingfisher formally signs to oneworld   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyLun 07 Iun 2010, 10:11

Titlu: Kingfisher formally signs to oneworld
Sursa: Flightglobal
Autor: Siva Govindasamy
Data: 07.06.2010

Citat :
India's Kingfisher Airlines has become a member elect of the oneworld alliance, after signing a formal agreement with the 12 existing members on the sidelines of the World Air Transport Summit in Berlin.

The carrier signed a memorandum of understanding with oneworld in late February, setting out a framework for membership discussions. Today's agreement comes after India's ministry of civil aviation gave the airline's application its green light.

A team of experts from British Airways - Kingfisher's sponsor for joining the alliance - and oneworld have helped the airline to begin the process of joining the alliance, and the carrier has cleared the first step by passing a safety audit. A firm date for it to join the alliance will be announced as the implementation programme progresses, although oneworld says that this normally takes 18-24 months.

"The addition of Kingfisher Airlines is another key element in making 2010 even more of a breakthrough year for oneworld," says Gerard Arpey, chairman and chief executive of American Airlines and chairman of the alliance's board. Willie Walsh, chief executive of British Airways, adds: "We are very pleased to have gained regulatory approval so quickly from New Delhi to add Kingfisher Airlines to oneworld - and we intend to move ahead with its implementation just as speedily and smoothly."

Vijay Mallya, chairman and chief executive of Kingfisher, says that membership will strengthen the carrier's competitive position. He adds that the airline will try to complete the implementation programme on time and smoothly.

Oneworld says that the membership process involves connecting the new recruit's IT systems to those in all other members, and standardising its customer service, frequent flyer and distribution processes.

Links between oneworld and Kingfisher will deepen when a new passenger terminal opens at New Delhi's international airport next month, when all six alliance members that serve India's capital will then share Kingfisher' new premium passenger lounge.

Adding Kingfisher to oneworld will give the alliance an additional 56 Indian cities to its network, expanding its global coverage to more than 800 destinations in almost 150 countries. Kingfisher's main Indian hubs are in Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore. The airline launched its first international routes in September 2008, and serves hubs like Bangkok, Dubai, Hong Kong, London Heathrow and Singapore.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyVin 11 Iun 2010, 12:57

Titlu: Vietnam Airlines formally joins SkyTeam
Sursa: flightglobal
Autor: Leithen Francis
Data: 10.06.2010

Citat :
Vietnam Airlines became a member of SkyTeam Alliance today, paving the way for the Vietnamese national carrier to gain more international traffic.

At a ceremony in Hanoi today, Vietnam Airlines was officially made a member of the alliance, says SkyTeam.

This move comes just weeks after China Eastern Airlines announced it plans to join SkyTeam by mid-2011.

Richard Anderson, CEO of SkyTeam member carrier Delta Air Lines, says: "The addition of Vietnam's leading airline to SkyTeam positions our alliance as the fastest growing in Asia and builds on the planned addition of China Eastern." Asian carriers Korean Air and China Southern Airlines are also SkyTeam members.

Vietnam Airlines' international services are mostly to Asian and European destinations, but next year it plans to launch services to the USA.

Anderson at Delta says Vietnam Airlines in mid-July will start placing its code on Delta flights between Tokyo Narita and points in the USA.

"By the end of this year, Delta passengers will have the ability to connect on a single codeshare ticket from cities throughout Delta's network in Vietnam," he adds.

"Over time, SkyTeam's addition of Vietnam Airlines will introduce 20 new destinations not offered by any alliance member today," says SkyTeam.

"Vietnam Airlines currently serves the SkyTeam hubs in Beijing, Guangzhou, Paris, Seoul and Tokyo," it adds.

Asteptam si Taromul
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMier 23 Iun 2010, 19:03

Titlu: SkyTeam Looking To Fill In 'Blank Spots'
Autor: Reuters
Data: 23.06.2010

Citat :
SkyTeam, the global airline alliance that includes Delta Air Lines and Air France-KLM, is looking for new partners in Latin America, Asia and Africa as it seeks to broaden its network.

Top brass at SkyTeam declined to name the specific carriers the airline network is eyeing, but said the alliance would look for carriers that add to, rather than overlap with, existing routes flown by its 13 member airlines.

"In South America, India and Africa, it is clear there will be a significant battle for positioning to lure good carriers in your alliance," SkyTeam Chairman Leo van Wijk said on the sidelines of an event celebrating SkyTeam's 10th anniversary.

Airline networks allow members to expand their reach by selling tickets on one another's flights and streamline costs in a variety of other ways, such as combining airport lounges.

The SkyTeam event also marked the beginning of a process to bring China Eastern Airlines into the alliance. The addition of China Eastern and the newest SkyTeam member Vietnam Airlines will boost the airline network's daily flights by 10 percent, SkyTeam officials said.

Earlier this year, China Eastern also was being wooed by oneworld and Star Alliance, in a sign of how competition is heating up for airlines with hubs in growth markets.

Japan Airlines was also at the centre of a contentious fight between Delta and American Airlines. In February, JAL said it would stick with American's oneworld alliance.

United Airlines parent UAL and Continental Airlines are part of Star Alliance. Last month, Continental and United announced they would merge to form the world's largest airline, edging out the current industry leader, Delta.

The new United will be strong in Latin America, a region with growing air travel demand, but also few international hubs, making it a difficult market to enter, SkyTeam managing director Marie-Joseph Male said.

"Our coverage is slightly less than Star Alliance," van Wijk told reporters at a media briefing. "There are some blank spots that we will be focusing on."

SkyTeam is now looking to boost its presence in southeast Asia, India and Latin America. Van Wijk said it was unlikely the global airline industry would see intercontinental mergers, adding it was more likely that alliance ties would deepen.

China Eastern will help expand the alliance's presence in mainland China, an increasingly important market for business travel, KLM chief executive Peter Hartman said in an interview.

SkyTeam currently flies to seven destinations in mainland China, more than the rival oneworld or Star alliances, Hartman said.

"There are so many possibilities to do JVs with other partners" in China, Hartman said. He added that the airline could also add destinations where no SkyTeam partners fly.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyJoi 24 Iun 2010, 10:52

Titlu: Tarom finally ready to join SkyTeam, plans more codeshares
Sursa: Flightglobal
Autor: Bredan Sobie
Data: 23.06.2010

Citat :
Romania's Tarom plans to have codeshares in place with all SkyTeam members by the end of this year as the carrier finally prepares to enter the alliance.

Tarom chief Ruxandra Luciana Brutaru says the carrier already has codeshares in place with most of SkyTeam's 12 members, and deals with the remaining carriers are now being finalised. "We have codeshares in place with almost all members and we will keep on signing with all of them," Brutaru says. "By end of the year we'll finish those."

Tarom will formally become SkyTeam's 13th member on 26 June, just over five years after first agreeing to become a member of the alliance's former associate carrier programme. Brutaru says the delay was primarily driven by a change in management.

"We were supposed to join together with Air Europa and Kenya Airways [in 2007]. It's been really a change of management. Unfortunately the airline had a change of management and the new management that came in place needed a bit more time to select the right alliance," she says.

Brutaru explains Tarom's new management team wanted to make sure the carrier selected "the right alliance". The carrier's new management ended up confirming the previous management team's selection of SkyTeam and formally committed to joining in May 2008. Brutaru, who joined Tarom's management team in 2007 and took over as CEO at the end of 2008, has since "continued the process" of formally joining the alliance.

She says Tarom was scheduled to formally join in March of this year but agreed to wait another three months so it could join the same month as SkyTeam's 10th anniversary. Vietnam Airlines also agreed to join in June, although it formally joined on 10 June. "Because it was the celebration of the 10th anniversary of SkyTeam, we jointly decided the two airlines would join around the time so the celebration period would be nicer," Brutaru explains.

In the meantime, SkyTeam has decided to drop its two-tier structure, resulting in Air Europa and Kenya Airways upgrading from associate to full members and Tarom joining as a full rather than associate member. Brutaru says the change, which was formally implemented at this week's SkyTeam meeting in New York, is "fortunate" for Tarom.

Brutaru, speaking to Flightglobal at the conclusion of the SkyTeam meeting in New York, says earlier this month Tarom successfully migrated from its own frequent flier programme to Air France's Flying Blue programme. She says the carrier didn't need to migrate to a new IT system to support its ascension into SkyTeam because it has "been using the SITA product for many years".

While Tarom works on having codeshares in place with all SkyTeam members the carrier also continues its plans to forge new partnerships with airlines outside the alliance. For example, Tarom earlier this year began codesharing with Latvia's Air Baltic and last year began codesharing with Switzerland's Flybaboo.

"There are certain markets which are important for us and we want to make sure we develop them with the right partners," Brutaru explains. "Flybaboo is not a SkyTeam partner but it is an airline that has very similar objectives as us and SkyTeam, it has the same frequent flier programme and it was very important to us on a specific route. It's the same with Air Baltic."

Titlu: SkyTeam aims to recruit more Asian members
Sursa: Flightglobal
Autor: Bredan Sobie
Data: 23.06.2010

Citat :
SkyTeam is confident it will be able to further expand its growing presence in Asia by soon securing commitments from new Asian members.

SkyTeam chairman Leo van Wijk says the Asia-Pacific region, in particular Southeast Asia and India, remains a priority in the alliance's drive to recruit new members.

Vietnam Airlines earlier this month formally joined SkyTeam as the alliance's third Asian member alongside China Southern Airlines and Korean Air. van Wijk says China Eastern, which earlier this year announced its selection of SkyTeam over rival Oneworld, formally signed an agreement to join SkyTeam earlier this week during an alliance meeting in New York.

"We still intend to add more Asian carriers to the group and thereby firmly position SkyTeam as the alliance for Asia," van Wikj said at a press conference yesterday at the conclusion of the meeting.

van Wijk says SkyTeam is not looking to further grow its presence in China because after China Eastern joins the alliance next year SkyTeam will have two of the country's three leading carriers. "We're looking for new members to add something to the alliance rather than overwhelm," he says.

He adds the alliance is currently talking to "several" airlines from Asia as well as Latin America, another priority in SkyTeam's ongoing recruitment drive.

"There are specific regions where we want to strengthen our network even further to better meet demand of our customers. These are Latin America, India, Southeast Asia, and the larger Asia-Pacific. We are activity looking to fill these gaps," van Wijk says.

But he declined to identify the carriers SkyTeam is currently courting.

In India, Jet Airways it the most likely member as the country's other two leading carriers, Air India and Kingfisher Airlines, have already committed to joining Star and Oneworld, respectively.

In Southeast Asia, Malaysia Airlines has long been seen as a potential SkyTeam member as the region's other two major carriers, Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways, are both in Star.

SkyTeam tried to woo Japan Airlines late last year and early this year until the carrier decided in February to stay in Oneworld. With Japan's only other major carrier, All Nippon Airways, firmly in Star, SkyTeam is now focusing more on Southeast rather than Northeast Asia.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyVin 25 Iun 2010, 15:55

Titlu: Tarom devine membru al Sky Team
Autor: ***
Data: 25.06.2010

Citat :
Tarom devine membru cu drepturi depline al aliantei SkyTeam, fiind al 13-lea membru al organizatiei. Astfel, compania va incheia contracte de tip codeshare (participarea la sistemul de ticketing pentru rezervari) cu toti membrii SkyTeam pana la finalul anului in curs.
Ruxandra Brutaru, directorului general Tarom, a precizat ca societatea a incheiat deja contracte de tip codeshare cu majoritatea membrilor SkyTeam.

Odata cu aderarea la SkyTeam, pasagerii Tarom vor avea acces la peste 850 de destinatii in jurul lumii.

Alianta SkyTeam, infiintata in anul 2000, este a doua alianta globala din lume ca marime si are in componenta 13 membri: Aeroflot, Aeromexico, Air Europa, Air France, Alitalia, China Southern, Czech Airlines, Delta, Kenya Airways, KLM, Korean Air, Vietnam Airlines si Tarom.

Numarul total de pasageri transportati anual de companiile membre SkyTeam se ridica la circa 343,6 milioane pasageri.

Linia aeriana nationala Tarom a inregistrat anul trecut o cifra de afaceri de 191,4 milioane euro, cu aproape 26% sub estimarile facute de companie anterior, de 260 milioane euro.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMar 27 Iul 2010, 10:16

Titlu: Air Berlin following S7 and Kingfisher into Oneworld
Sursa: Flightglobal
Autor: David Kaminski-Morrow
Data: 26.07.2010

Citat :
German carrier Air Berlin's eventual membership of Oneworld would bring the number of partners in the alliance to 14.

The group has the same total number of members, and members-elect, as SkyTeam but still only half that of Star Alliance.

Air Berlin and Oneworld are planning to disclose further details of their arrangement tomorrow.

Oneworld says simply that the German carrier has "accepted an invitation" to join.

But the airline would substantially reinforce the alliance's presence in Central Europe, where its reach is limited to Hungary's Malev.

It would also give Oneworld a stronghold at the new Berlin Brandenburg Airport which is scheduled to open in mid-2012.

Air Berlin, which has around 150 aircraft, owns the Dusseldorf-based long-haul operation LTU and is also a significant shareholder in Austrian carrier Niki, located in Vienna.

Its route network primarily covers Europe but extends also to several destinations in the USA, parts of Asia, as well as northern Africa and the Middle East.

Air Berlin is already adding to these points through newly-agreed codeshares with Oneworld members American Airlines and Finnair, which will come into effect on 1 November.

Oneworld's overall membership currently extends to 11 full members, with Russia's S7 Airlines and India's Kingfisher Airlines among incoming candidates.

Titlu: Air Berlin to join Oneworld alliance
Sursa: Flightglobal
Autor: David Kaminski-Morrow
Data: 26.07.2010

Citat :
German carrier Air Berlin is intending to join the Oneworld alliance, and has reached a preliminary agreement on membership.

Air Berlin's bid is being sponsored by British Airways. It has also entered codeshare pacts with Oneworld's American Airlines and Finnair.

The German carrier says it has agreed on "key aspects" of its prospective accession to Oneworld and "will work towards completing a full membership agreement".

"Membership in Oneworld would strengthen Air Berlin's competitive position and enable it to participate in the alliance's revenue-enhancement and cost-reduction activities," it adds.

Air Berlin's tie-up with American will allow it to offer codeshare flights to 15 additional US destinations, plus two in the Bahamas. The Finnair partnership will provide codeshare access on routes to points in Europe and Asia.

Germany's main carrier, Lufthansa, is a central member of the rival Star Alliance.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Air Berlin Expects To Join Oneworld In 2012   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMier 28 Iul 2010, 10:20

Titlu: Air Berlin Expects To Join Oneworld In 2012
Autor: Reuters
Data: 27.07.2010

Citat :
Air Berlin expects to start flying as part of the Oneworld alliance of airlines in early 2012 in a move analysts said would bolster its position against German flagship carrier Lufthansa.

In a first step, Air Berlin has entered code-sharing agreements with Oneworld members American Airlines and Finnair.

Bilateral agreements with British Airways and Iberia will follow, Air Berlin said on Tuesday.

Joining the Oneworld alliance would allow Air Berlin to share pricing, scheduling and other information within the alliance.

"Strategically, Air Berlin should emerge as a valuable continental/eastern European feeder carrier for the Oneworld alliance, with a lucrative airport base," UniCredit analyst Uwe Weinreich said.

He estimates joining Oneworld could add up to EUR€50 million to Air Berlin's annual earnings from 2012.

Oneworld has 13 member airlines including British Airways, Japan Airlines and Australia's Qantas (QAN.AX).

It competes with Star Alliance, which includes Lufthansa and United Airlines, and SkyTeam, with members Air France-KLM and Delta.

Titlu: Austria's Niki to become associate Oneworld member
Sursa: Flightglobal
Autor: David Kaminski-Morrow
Data: 27.07.2010

Citat :
Air Berlin's Austrian associate carrier Niki is to become an affiliate member of the Oneworld alliance when the German airline joins in early 2012.

Niki, which is almost 50%-owned by Air Berlin, operates low-cost services from locations including Vienna.

Air Berlin has signed a memorandum of understanding with Oneworld regarding its membership of the group and says a formal alliance agreement will be "signed soon".

Its accession to Oneworld, which will come shortly before the opening of Berlin's new Brandenburg International Airport, will bring 75 more points to the alliance's network and take its destination count close to 900.

But Air Berlin is already planning to co-operate with Oneworld carriers American Airlines and Finnair through codeshares this year, and says bilateral agreements are intended with British Airways and Iberia.

"Joining a global alliance is the logical next step in Air Berlin's development," says chief executive Joachim Hunold.

"Becoming part of Oneworld would be one of the most significant departures so far for our airline, enabling us to offer our customers a truly global network served by partners who include some of the best and biggest airlines in the world."
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Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyJoi 29 Iul 2010, 20:12

Titlu: Shanghai Air To Quit Star Alliance In October
Autor: Reuters
Data: 29.07.2010

Citat :
Shanghai Airlines will leave Star Alliance at the end of October, after bigger rival China Eastern Airlines took it over for USD$1.3 billion last year, state media said on Thursday.

Shanghai-based China Eastern joined SkyTeam earlier this year, a global airline alliance that includes China Southern Airlines, China's largest carrier by fleet size.

"In order to maintain the consistency of the new China Eastern Airlines, Shanghai Airlines has decided to leave Star Alliance on October 31, 2010," the official Xinhua news agency said, without giving a source.

Air China will become the only Chinese airline that is a member of Star Alliance once Shanghai Airlines pulls out.

Titlu: Shanghai Airlines to abandon Star Alliance
Sursa: Flightglobal
Autor: David Kaminski-Morrow
Data: 29.07.2010

Citat :
China's Shanghai Airlines is to leave Star Alliance following the decision of its merger partner, China Eastern Airlines, to join rival SkyTeam.

China Eastern opted for SkyTeam in April and, at the time, the consequences of the decision on Shanghai Airlines were unclear.

Shanghai Airlines joined Star alongside Air China in 2007, the alliance's first members in the country.

But Star Alliance says that Shanghai Airlines has agreed "to terminate its membership" by 31 October.

Shanghai Airlines will continue to offer the associated alliance benefits until then.

Star says the airline's decision results from the merger with China Eastern, although Shanghai Airlines has not confirmed that it will join SkyTeam.
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Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

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MesajSubiect: LAN-TAM alliance decision not expected until at least 2012: Barroso    Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMar 17 Aug 2010, 14:18

Titlu: LAN-TAM alliance decision not expected until at least 2012: Barroso
Sursa: Flightglobal
Autor: Brendan Sobie
Data: 16.08.2010

Citat :
Brazil's TAM is on course to generate $60 million in additional annual revenues as a result of its new membership in Star Alliance, and does not expect to decide until 2012 whether to remain in Star as a result of its proposed merger with Oneworld member LAN.

TAM joined Star in May and at the time TAM CEO Libano Barroso outlined an expectation that its membership in the alliance would generate at least $60 million in additional annual revenues. Barroso told analysts today the carrier is "on the path" to generating these revenues and "doing very well" in meeting the $60 million target. He adds the establishment of the LATAM Airlines Group, the proposed new parent company for LAN and TAM, will not result in these $60 million in additional revenues disappearing from TAM's top line.

"We believe this LATAM combination will even more fit the potential for that [additional revenues]. In our view there will be even more opportunity for better connections, better feeding and better distribution power," Barroso said during a conference call to discuss TAM's second quarter earnings.

Barroso says TAM for now plans to stay in Star while LAN plans to stay in Oneworld as the two carriers focus on completing the merger transaction. Reiterating comments made by LAN CEO Enrique Cueto during a 13 August call with investors, Barroso says "in our view it's too early to think about" potentially selecting one alliance for both carriers.

"First of all we have six to nine months on the integration period and during that we have to look for the external third-party authorisation - meaning regulatory, stock exchange offer and so on. Beyond that as we integrate and decide on the comprehensive network for the joint combined companies will be time for us to discuss if we will maintain two independent alliances - meaning Star for TAM and oneworld for LAN - or if we discuss in future a single alliance for LATAM," Barroso explains.

He adds that while the two carriers do not plan to discuss alliances until after LATAM is formally up and running, "for sure this is an issue that we will be able to address in future. We believe it will take at least a year to answer on this decision process".

Answering a similar question from another analyst, Barroso responded: "It's not time for us to discuss potential change in alliance. First of all we have to put all the things up and running at the LATAM level. But in the future - we believe this should take more than a year or two years - we will discuss if we will maintain separately Star Alliance and Oneword because the two companies will be independent - LAN and TAM - or if in future there will be a single alliance for both."

Separate from their alliance memberships, LAN and TAM expect their merger will generate $400 million in annual synergies, including $170 million in new annual passenger revenues.

Barroso says some of these revenues will come from new flights as the two carriers will look to launch services to Africa - a continent currently not served by either LAN or TAM - as well as additional flights to Europe and Asia. He expects the merger will also result in "integrating even better the south cone" of South America.

He says TAM does not expect the merger will result in new domestic flights but will provide additional feed for TAM's existing domestic services. "For sure the outcome will be higher load factors. With the same slots and same aircraft we will collect more and better occupation," Barroso explains.

The merger is being structured to ensure balanced control with LAN and TAM each having 50% voting power in LATAM. The LATAM board will comprise of nine members, including two from LAN's Cueto family and two from TAM's Amaro family

But from an ownership standpoint the Amaro family will hold a 13.5% stake of LATAM while the Cueto family will have a larger 24.1% stake. The remainder includes a 15.8% free float from TAM and 46.6% from LAN.

The CEO of TAM's parent company, Marco Bologna, told analysts today that two shareholder agreements have been forged, one between the Amaro and Cueto families to regulate control of LATAM and the second between the Amaro family and LATAM. The second agreement covers how TAM's parent company will be controlled because the Amaro family will retain 80% of the voting shares in TAM.

This 80% is required to meet current Brazilian regulations, which limit foreign ownership of airlines to 20%. While LATAM will only own 20% of TAM's parent company it will have veto authority on certain issues. But Bologna says this veto power "will not give any power to change the operational business of TAM". As a result he does not expect this will become an issue with Brazilian authorities as they are asked to approve the proposed transaction.
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dan guina
Flight Level 100
Flight Level 100

Numarul mesajelor : 167
Localizare : ierusalim israel
Data de inscriere : 03/05/2009

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMier 18 Aug 2010, 17:49

Titlu:El Al sets up new alliance.
Autor: Arie Egozi
Data; 18.o8.10

El Al sets up new alliance

Israel's leading airliner gives up on existing air alliances, decides to create its own. Benefits include wider range of destinations, cheaper flights

Arie Egozi Published: 08.18.10, 07:58 / Israel Travel

NEW YORK - El Al, Israel's leading airliner, is setting up a new international airline alliance which will allow the company to reach dozens of new destinations, reduce prices on existing routes and increase its fleet of passenger jets, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Tuesday.

The move was decided after El Al failed to get accepted into one of the three leading airline alliances. The company understood that even the government was unable to assist it, and concluded that a new strategy was required: A new alliance, smaller than the others, to include companies who are not part of any other alliance.

Flight Security

Israeli, foreign pilots slam in-flight security system / Arie Egozi

Transportation Ministry certain it finally found perfect deterrent against hijacking of commercial planes, but pilots say they would rather deal with terrorists in cockpit than face possibility of being shot down. EU says forcing its planes to use system may threaten aviation ties with Israel
Full Story

The first stage will include three companies from Eastern Europe in addition to the Israeli company, and it is hoped that at least 20 other companies from Europe and South America will join in the future.

This means El Al will be able to sell tickets to many destinations currently unavailable to El Al customers, such as Tokyo, New Delhi and Singapore in the East, Colombia, Rio de Janeiro, Lima and Buenos Aires in Latin America, and major cities in Canada and the US. At a later stage, it is hoped that Scandinavian cities will also be added to the list of new destinations.

Passengers will buy a ticket through El Al, which will fly them to their destinations via a connecting flight operated by a member company. El Al passengers will also be able to collect air miles on these flights. Business class passengers will also be able to use the business lounges of all participating companies.

The alliance will be known as WE (from the initials of western-eastern). An agreement of principles has been signed by the first four airline companies. Intensive negotiations are underway for a final agreement within 90 days.

El Al's past attempts to join an alliance have been thwarted often due to political reasons: All the major alliances include Arab companies which have vetoed the participation of an Israeli company. This has left El Al isolated and struggling to expand.

Airline alliances have become a dominant feature of air travel in recent years, with many major companies joining. Passengers benefit in a number of ways, including a wider range of destinations and flights, cheaper tickets, and flexibility in loyalty schemes.

Airlines benefit from more efficient operation by using flights of other companies, cooperating on maintenance, joint purchasing of aircraft, and mutual assistance in filling seats. However, the move also entails a considerable investment, to coordinate systems and operations.

Adi Gold contributed to this report

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Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

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MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMier 18 Aug 2010, 20:18

Titlu: El Al plans to forge new alliance with three initial partners
Sursa: Flightglobal
Autor: Arie Egozi
Data: 17.08.2010

Citat :
Israeli flag-carrier El Al is initiating formation of a new aviation alliance after abandoning attempts to join one of the three main ones.

Air Transport Intelligence has learned that El Al already has the approval of three airlines to join: Russia's UTAir, Ukraine's AeroSvit and Armenian carrier Armavia.

The airlines have signed a letter of intent to form the alliance - to be called 'Eastern-Western' - and the participants plan to sign a final agreement within the next 90 days.

Israeli sources familiar with the situation say that efforts will be made to persuade a total of 20 airlines to join the new alliance by the end of 2011.

While El Al's policy of not flying on the holy Sabbath, plus its special security arrangements, have been cited for the airline's non-inclusion in the three major alliances, Israeli senior sources state that the main reason is diplomatic.

Neither El Al, nor any of the three would-be alliance members, could immediately be reached for comment.

Earlier this year, El Al declared that it would "dramatically" increase the number of codeshare agreements it had with foreign airlines, as a substitute for membership in the main alliances.

But this effort has had limited success owing to problems with the Israeli anti-trust authorities.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMar 05 Oct 2010, 11:50

Titlu: Ethiopian Airlines accepted as future Star Alliance member carrier
Autor: ***
Data: 29.09.2010

Citat :
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – September 29th, 2010 – Star Alliance, the way the Earth connects, today announced that the Chief Executive Board (CEB) has unanimously approved the application of Ethiopian Airlines to join Star Alliance.

"On behalf of the Chief Executive Board, it gives me great pleasure to invite Ethiopian Airlines to join the Star Alliance network. Ethiopian’s extensive intra-African network will provide more choice for our travellers and bring the Star Alliance benefits to new markets. Moreover, we will in future have three main hubs in Africa – Addis Ababa, Cairo and Johannesburg – allowing for an ideal access to the continent from either the North, Centre-East or South", said Jaan Albrecht, CEO Star Alliance

"We are happy and honoured to be invited to the big family of airlines. Ethiopian will definitely enhance Star Alliance’s global network. Our long experience in the Africa market, coupled with our strategic hub Addis Ababa, and the recently created Lomé hub will allow Star Alliance members to access many new markets in Africa. Together, we can offer our passengers more convenient flight schedules, greater flight frequencies, a larger network and more on-line connections. All these features improve the quality of the service available to our customers", said Mr. Girma Wake CEO Ethiopian Airlines.

Ethiopian Airlines will become the third Star Alliance member carrier on the African Continent, joining EGYPTAIR and South African Airways.

The acceptance of Ethiopian Airlines is an integral part of Star Alliance’s Africa strategy. Market studies, conducted by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) as well as by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), show that Africa is forecast to have the second highest growth rate in air traffic over the coming years. Demand will mainly stem from economic growth made possible by increasing political stability and creating better business climate on the continent.

Through its future membership in Star Alliance, Ethiopian Airlines will gain access to the many markets across the globe. By the same token, more business travellers from Ethiopia and across Africa will in future benefit from the Star Alliance customer proposition: world-wide reach via the extensive network, seamless travel and status recognition through the frequent flyer programmes.

The integration teams of Ethiopian Airlines, mentoring carrier Lufthansa and Star Alliance will begin their work shortly, with the aim of completing the membership process within the next 12 months.

Ethiopian Airlines will add five new countries (Chad, Congo, Djibouti, Mali, and Niger) and 24 African destinations to the Star Alliance network, which will then encompass a total of 29 carriers, offering a choice of more than 21,380 daily flights to 1,196 destinations in 186 countries.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMar 05 Oct 2010, 13:51

Apropo de stirea de mai sus : cei 3 operatori africani ai Star Alliance vor sa creeze o companie (joint venture intre South African Airways, Egyptair si Ethiopian Airlines) care sa acopere Africa centrala si de vest.

Se vorbeste de o implantare in Camerun sau Ciad, Republica Centrafricana, RD Congo, Gabon sau Guineea Ecuatoriala.

Lansarea in 2011 cu avioane din flota celor 3 si care se concentreaza pe linii intra-africane.

Adevarul ca Star Alliance ar castiga foarte mult in Africa, un continent nu excelent acoperit de cele 3 mari aliante si in acelasi timp un continent unde aviatia comerciala are destul potential de crestere.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyVin 08 Oct 2010, 16:54

15 noiembrie : data de intrare a S7 in oneworld

Titlu: Russia's S7 Airlines to be part of oneworld from 15 November
Autor: ***
Data: 23.09.2010

Citat :
S7 Airlines, Russia's leading domestic carrier, will become part of oneworld® with effect from Monday 15 November, offering the alliance's full range of services and benefits from then.

Its addition will substantially expand the alliance's network throughout Russia and the rest of the Commonwealth of Independent States - in the latest step by oneworld to establish itself as the world's premier alliance in what is turning out to be a breakthrough year for the group.

From 15 November 2010 members of the S7 Priority frequent flyer programme will be able to earn and redeem mileage awards on all oneworld partners, who include some of the biggest and best airlines in the world - American Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways, Finnair, Iberia, Japan Airlines, LAN Airlines, Malév Hungarian Airlines, Mexicana, Qantas and Royal Jordanian and almost 20 affiliated airline.

S7 Priority Platinum and Gold cardholders will have oneworld Emerald and Sapphire status respectively, gaining them access to more than 500 airport lounges worldwide offered by the alliance's airlines. S7 Priority Silver cardholders will have oneworld Ruby status.

All S7 Priority Platinum, Gold and Silver cardholders will soon be sent new membership cards, bearing the oneworld logo, to ensure they receive their alliance benefits from 15 November.

Also from 15 November, members of the established oneworld airlines' frequent flyer programmes will be able to earn and redeem awards and tier status points and receive all other oneworld benefits on S7.

Its network - covering 90 destinations and 28 countries, including 45 points in Russia and some 25 destinations in other parts of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) - will from then be covered by oneworld's full and extensive range of alliance fares and sales products.

S7's Russian domestic market is the world's largest country in terms of land mass, the ninth most populous and with the eighth biggest gross domestic product. Currently seven of oneworld's established airlines - British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Finnair, Iberia, Japan Airlines, Malev Hungarian Airlines and Royal Jordanian - serve Moscow, plus St Petersburg and Ekaterinburg in Russia.

The new oneworld recruit will add 55 destinations in the region to the alliance map, and nine countries, in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This will almost triple the number of destinations served by oneworld in Russia, the CIS and other parts of East Europe to a total 84 destinations in 26 countries.

For S7, joining oneworld will strengthen its competitive offering and its financial position, enabling it to offer customers an unrivalled alliance global network served by partners including some of the best and biggest airlines in the world.

Its addition will extend oneworld's global coverage to a total of more than 750 destinations in almost 150 countries, served by a total of 8,500 departures a day operated by a combined fleet of some 2,250 aircraft, carrying 300 million passengers a year, with annual revenues of more than US$85 billion.

British Airways has been supporting S7 through its 18-month alliance implementation project, as its oneworld sponsor airline, with working groups covering some 35 streams of activity.

Work is well advanced in linking up S7's IT systems to those of oneworld's established members. Projects are also nearing completion to bring S7's various internal processes and procedures into line with the alliance's requirements, and extensive employee training and communications programmes are now underway at the S7 and the alliance's existing members, to ensure they are ready to provide oneworld's customer services and benefits across the expanded alliance from 15 November.

oneworld Managing Partner John McCulloch said: "S7 will expand oneworld's network substantially in a key region of growing travel demand, with a carrier that matches our demanding quality requirements, while enabling S7 to offer its customers a truly global network on quality partners. We are delighted to be welcoming them to the oneworld alliance."

S7 Chief Executive Vladimir Obyedkov said: "S7 Airlines is delighted to be joining the world's premier global airline alliance. Becoming part of oneworld will be one of the most significant steps in S7's history. It will enable us to offer our customers a truly global network served by partners who include some of the best known and most admired airlines in the world, while our frequent flyers will have more opportunities to earn and redeem mileage rewards and enjoy all their other benefits. It will also strengthen us financially, through revenues from passengers transferring to our network from our oneworld partners and the cost reduction opportunities the alliance offers."

About S7 Airlines

S7 is Russia's leading airline in terms of domestic passenger carryings, customer service quality and innovation.

It is the first carrier in Russia to convert to an all Western-built Airbus and Boeing fleet and the first to adopt full electronic ticketing and on-line reservations and sales. It holds the internationally recognised IOSA (International Air Transport Association Operational Safety Audit) certification, renewed in October 2008.

S7 offers a two-class product to international standards on all departures - Business Class and Economy.

Its fleet, decorated in a distinctive bright green livery, includes 28 Airbus A320 family types, two Airbus A310s, two Boeing 767s, four Boeing 737-400s and four Boeing 737-800s, with an average age of nine years.

S7 carried 5.6 million passengers in 2009, with a bigger share of the domestic Russian air travel market than any other airline. Including its international network, it is Russia's second biggest carrier.

Its main hub Moscow Domodedovo is the capital's most modern airport. Its secondary hubs are Novosibirsk and Irkutsk. Its international destinations include oneworld hubs Madrid and Bangkok.

S7 is one the most progressive airlines in Russia giving passengers new standards of service, supported by the use of latest technology. Tracing its origins back to 1957, it changed its brand name from Sibir Airlines four years ago with a radical rebranding to make it stand out from its competitors as customer-friendly, quality, modern carrier - winning the annual national award "People's mark / Brand No 1 in Russia".

Since its election as a oneworld member designate in May 2009, S7 has launched code-sharing with alliance partners Iberia and Royal Jordanian. S7 also code-shares with oneworld member elect Air Berlin.

The airline generated profits of US$151 million (operating) and US$18 million (net) in 2009 on revenues of US$1.1 billion. S7 employs 2,596 staff and uses SITA as its main IT platform. It is 75 per cent privately owned.

S7's English-language website is
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Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyVin 08 Oct 2010, 17:02

China Airlines (companie din Taiwan) va face parte din Skyteam in 2011

Titlu: China Airlines Joins SkyTeam
Autor: ***
Data: 14.09.2010

Citat :
Alliance firmly strengthens Asia Pacific network by welcoming fifth carrier from the region

Taipei, 14 September 2010 - China Airlines, the flag carrier of Taiwan, today formally announced the start of its joining process leading to full entry into the SkyTeam Airline Alliance. The process is expected to be completed by mid-2011. The announcement comes just a few months after China Eastern signed an agreement to join SkyTeam. The addition of China Airlines to the alliance complements the well anchored position of China Southern, solidifying the unrivalled presence of SkyTeam in Greater China. With China Airlines as a partner, SkyTeam customers will benefit from further improved access to SkyTeam’s extensive Asia Pacific network.

Headquartered in Taipei, China Airlines is the largest airline of Taiwan, home to one of the world’s most dynamic technology-driven economies that also possesses abundant tourism opportunities and booming aviation industry prospects.

During an official ceremony in Taipei, China Airlines’ President Huang-Hsiang Sun, joined the CEOs and representatives of SkyTeam member airlines in signing an Adherence Agreement, thus formally starting the process of China Airlines joining SkyTeam. The signing ceremony took place at National Concert Hall in Taipei, witnessed by Chairman of the SkyTeam Governing Board Leo van Wijk, Managing Director of SkyTeam Marie-Joseph Malé and Chairman Liu Shaoyong of future member China Eastern.

“The inclusion of China Airlines in our network will solidify SkyTeam’s unrivalled presence in the Greater China market, a region that continues to experience significant economic growth,” said Leo van Wijk. “In addition to the services provided by our existing members, China Airlines offers an extensive cross-strait operation, linking Taiwan to multiple major destinations in China. Also, Taipei will serve as an alternative Asian hub with services to and from key business destinations in the region.”

"Joining SkyTeam is a long-term development strategy for China Airlines, and for many years we have been actively promoting various types of cooperation with SkyTeam member airlines with this objective in mind. As the first Taiwanese airline to join the world-class alliance, our strategic target is to continuously strengthen profitability and boost international market competitiveness," said China Airlines Chairman Philip Wei.

Mr. Malé added: “We are honored and delighted to welcome China Airlines in our midst. We now enter a phase where China Airlines will work closely together with the current members to establish bilateral agreements and fulfill the more than 100 membership requirements. We rely in particular on our Asian members to use their advanced experience in the alliance to guide China Airlines in the joining process and expect our newest member to effectively join SkyTeam around mid 2011”.

Maximizing the Greater Chinese, Asian and global network
The China Airlines network will complement those of Guangzhou-based China Southern and Shanghai-based China Eastern. Cooperation among these three SkyTeam family members will further consolidate SkyTeam’s unparalleled strong position in Greater China. As the largest passenger and cargo airline providing services between both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the addition of China Airlines to SkyTeam will mark a major milestone in Taiwan’s efforts to become one of Asia’s leading air transport and business hubs.

SkyTeam will greatly benefit from expanding its regional network in the region. Out of the 93 international routes, China Airlines will bring four new destinations to the network; Okinawa, Miyazaki, Surabaya and Palau. From a global standpoint, adding a fifth Asian carrier will help SkyTeam in connecting Greater China, Asia’s up-and-coming economic powerhouse, to the rest of the world. The China Airlines extensive route network covers Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania, and will help customers connect to flights of SkyTeam partners worldwide.

Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMier 13 Oct 2010, 18:56

Tunisair vrea sa intre la anul in Star Alliance :
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMar 19 Oct 2010, 15:41

Titlu: Aerolineas Argentinas to join SkyTeam
Sursa: flightglobal
Autor: Kerry Reals
Data: 19.10.2010

Citat :
Argentinean flag carrier Aerolineas Argentinas is to join the SkyTeam alliance, becoming the group's first South American member.

Aerolineas will sign an agreement by the end of this month to begin the process of joining SkyTeam. It is expected to join the alliance in 2012.

SkyTeam says the addition of Aerolineas is "a significant step towards enhancing the global network of the alliance".

Aerolineas last year began a five-year restructuring plan, under which it plans to renew its fleet and improve and expand its operations.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010, 17:54

Titlu: Emirates Will Not Enter Airline Alliances
Autor: Reuters
Data: 25.10.2010

Citat :
Dubai airline Emirates will not enter into any commercial alliances as they are harmful to competitiveness, the airline's president said in remarks published on Monday.

Tim Clark said the airline preferred to work on its own as alliances could hurt the quality of its services, according to comments in Arabic language daily Al Bayan.

Emirates, the Middle East's largest carrier, is not a part of global airline clubs such as oneworld or Star Alliance.

Clark's remarks come during a continuing dispute over access to flight routes and competition.

The rapid expansion of Emirates -- as well as Gulf majors Etihad of Abu Dhabi and Qatar Airways -- has unnerved older airlines and fuelled mutual accusations of protectionism. Many carriers fear Gulf-based superjumbos will drain their own hubs.

Earlier this month, Canada's military lost access to a military camp near Dubai, which it used to support troops in Afghanistan, after Ottawa refused to allow Emirates and Etihad to increase flights to Canada.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMar 26 Oct 2010, 14:32

Titlu: Oneworld sees huge battle for LAN-TAM allegiance
Autor: Lori Ranson
Data: 25.10.2010

Citat :
Members of the Oneworld alliance predict a significant battle will ensue during the next two-to-three months among the three large global alliances to secure membership from the merged LAN and TAM airlines.

Oneworld managing director John McCulloch made that declaration today during the annual International Aviation Forecast summit hosted by the Boyd Group International.

McCulloch states he feels pretty certain that despite "rhetoric out there", that the carrier will only select a single alliance partner.

LAN and TAM unveiled their plans to merge in August of this year, and have previously said they wouldn't settle on an alliance decision until 2012, but McCulloch tells ATI "they seem well ahead of the timetable" in their integration, and from Oneworld's perspective, it is important now for the group to begin making its case to the carriers.

TAM joined Star in May of this year while LAN is a long-standing member of Oneworld, joining the alliance in 2000.

McCulloch says Oneworld will try to persuade LAN-TAM that choosing the grouping will give the combined Latin American carrier a key footprint in Europe and the USA, which are "crucial for LAN-TAM's future profitability".

He also believes Oneworld has insight into other areas where the combined carrier would like to grow, citing the UK and Spain as examples. "We can play to those strengths," he says.

In parallel to the battle for LAN-TAM's alliance allegiance, Oneworld continues to pursue opportunities in Brazil, Canada and China. The alliance lost a key contest earlier this year when China Eastern opted to join the SkyTeam grouping. McCulloch believes that Oneworld had the better value proposition for China Eastern, but certain "leadership ambitions within the airline" led to the carrier's selection of SkyTeam.

While Canada's second largest carrier WestJet has repeatedly stated its desire not to formally join one of the three major alliance groupings and instead focus on building as many bilateral relationships as possible, McCulloch states that there are six-to-eight Oneworld members that could forge important bilateral relationships with WestJet.

American and WestJet on 19 October announced an interline agreement whose first phase will cover 25 of WestJet's Canadian destinations not currently served by American.

Oneworld is also celebrating the recent launch of the transatlantic joint venture of American, British Airways and Iberia. As the new venture gets off the ground McCulloch says Oneworld is ramping up its corporate selling push, something he admits Star partners United, Air Canada and Lufthansa have historically performed better at than Oneworld.
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Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyMier 03 Noi 2010, 11:06

Shanghai Airlines (cea care a parasit Star Alliance) va intra in SkyTeam urmand compania mama China Eastern Airlines, care va intra si ea anul viitor in aceeasi alianta.

In Asia, SkyTeam va fi destul de bine reprezentata cu Korean Air, Vietnam Airlines, China Southern Airlines + noile intrate : Shanghai Airlines si China Eastern, la care se adauga taiwaneza China Airlines.

Star Alliance va ramane cu 1 singura companie in China : Air China.
oneworld au in China doar pe Cathay Pacific (din Hong Kong)
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Numarul mesajelor : 1927
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 09/01/2010

Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene   Aliantele dintre companiile aeriene EmptyJoi 04 Noi 2010, 20:03

Titlu: Lufthansa codeshare brings Avianca closer to Star Alliance
Sursa: flightglobal
Autor: David Kaminski-Morrow
Data: 03.11.2010

Citat :
German carrier Lufthansa is entering a tight codeshare agreement with Colombian operator Avianca, strengthening Star Alliance's presence in the South American market.

The codeshare follows Lufthansa's decision to launch services to the Colombian capital Bogota. It also follows talks between Star Alliance and the Avianca-TACA group.

Lufthansa states that the codeshare will "significantly improve" access to the Colombian domestic network.

It will enable the carrier to provide beyond-Bogota connections to six new destinations: Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Cali, Cartagena, Medellin and Pereira. Avianca operates these routes with Airbus A320-family and Boeing 757 aircraft.

"South America is very much in focus in plans to expand our flight services," says Lufthansa airlines group chief Stefan Lauer.

Avianca passengers will also gain access to Lufthansa's five-times weekly connection between Bogota and Frankfurt. The Colombian carrier also connects to Europe through services to the Spanish cities of Madrid and Barcelona.

Subject to the carriers' securing traffic rights, the codeshare is to be extended in a second phase to international South American routes served by Avianca.

This second phase will also provide access to European routes from Madrid and Barcelona served by Lufthansa.

Avianca will also obtain benefits from Lufthansa's frequent-flyer programme on codeshare routes from the second half of next year.
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