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 Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna

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Numarul mesajelor : 1409
Varsta : 42
Localizare : Timisoara
Data de inscriere : 04/10/2008

Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna Empty
MesajSubiect: Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna   Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna EmptyMier 16 Dec 2009, 09:34

Titlu: Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna
Autor: ***
Data: 16.12.2009

Citat :
Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna

Mai multe mii de salariati ai British Airways au votat pentru declansarea unei greve, ce ar putea obliga compania aeriana britanica sa anuleze sute de zboruri in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna, relateaza NewsIn.
Greva ar putea aduce costuri de 50 milioane lire sterline (55,5 milioane euro) companiei aeriene, reprezentand incasari mai mici si rambursari de bilete, estimeaza analistii.
Potrivit unui reprezentant al sindicatului Unite, greva va avea loc timp de 12 zile incepand cu 22 decembrie.
Declansarea grevei a fost aprobata de 92,5% dintre votanti, implicand 13.000 de salariati ai BA. Cauza declansarii conflictului de munca este reprezentata de un conflict intre sindicate si conducerea companiei in legatura cu un proiect de concedieri si de modificare a conditiilor de lucru.
British Airways doreste ca trei sferturi din personal sa accepte o majorare salariala cuprinsa intre 2% si 7% in acest an, in schimbul inghetarii salariilor in 2010 si trecerii la un program redus de lucru pentru 3.000 de salariati. De asemenea, pe anumite zboruri cu plecare de pe aeroportul Heathrow din Londra, echipajele ar urma sa fie reduse.
British Airways, care a incheiat luna trecuta un acord de fuziune cu grupul spaniol Iberia, pierde 1,5 milioane de lire pe zi.
Sus In jos
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Numarul mesajelor : 1409
Varsta : 42
Localizare : Timisoara
Data de inscriere : 04/10/2008

Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna Empty
MesajSubiect: Wizz Air incearca sa atraga pasagerii afectati de greva British Airways   Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna EmptyJoi 17 Dec 2009, 08:16

Titlu: Wizz Air incearca sa atraga pasagerii afectati de greva British Airways
Autor: ***
Data: 17.12.2009

Citat :
Wizz Air incearca sa atraga pasagerii afectati de greva British Airways

Operatorul aerian low cost Wizz Air afirma ca dispune de bilete la cursele cu plecare din Londra catre anumite destinatii pentru pasagerii afectati de greva insotitorilor de zbor de la compania British Airways, in perioada Craciunului si a Anului Nou.
Astfel, ca raspuns la greva insotitorilor de zbor British Airways, ce va avea loc in perioada 22 decembrie - 2 ianuarie, Wizz Air informeaza pasagerii afectati de situatie, de disponibilitatea unor bilete pentru cursele de la aeroportul londonez Luton, in perioada Craciunului si a Anului Nou.
Wizz Air detine rute alternative fata de British Airways spre Londra din Bucuresti, Budapesta, Kiev, Sofia si Varsovia.
British Airways foloseste aeroportul Heathrow, iar Wizz Air aeroportul Luton.
Pentru rutele British Airways, compania low cost detine urmatoarele zboruri Londra Luton - Bucuresti Baneasa, fata de Londra Heathrow - Bucuresti Otopeni, Londra Luton - Budapesta (Londra Heathrow - Budapesta), Londra Luton - Kiev Borispol fata de Londra Heathrow - Kiev Borispol, Londra Luton - Sofia (Londra Heathrow - Sofia) si Londra Luton - Varsovia, in loc de zborul companiei britanice Londra Heathrow - Varsovia.
Mai multe mii de salariati ai British Airways au votat pentru declansarea unei greve, ce ar putea obliga compania aeriana britanica sa anuleze sute de zboruri in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna.
Greva ar putea aduce costuri de 50 milioane lire sterline (55,5 milioane euro) companiei aeriene, reprezentand incasari mai mici si rambursari de bilete, estimeaza analistii.
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Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 2388
Varsta : 67
Localizare : Rosiorii de Vede & Brasov
Data de inscriere : 27/06/2008

Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna   Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna EmptyVin 18 Dec 2009, 19:44

Am vazut la TV ca justitita a interzis greva.
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Membru activ

Numarul mesajelor : 1409
Varsta : 42
Localizare : Timisoara
Data de inscriere : 04/10/2008

Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna Empty
MesajSubiect: BA strike off - for now   Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna EmptySam 19 Dec 2009, 22:08

Multumesc user-ului alinushi pentru informatia furnizata

Titlu: BA strike off - for now
Sursa: Sursa
Autor: Phil Davies
Data: 18.12.2009

Citat :
BA strike off - for now
British Airways has won a High Court injunction to lift the threat of a 12-day cabin crew strike.

The court ruled that the planned industrial action was unlawful because the union had not balloted its members correctly.

But the Unite union did not rule out possible future strike action and a possible appeal against the court ruling.

There was also a prospect of a second ballot of cabin crew in the new year if a negotiated settlement was not reached by the airline.

BA said: “We are delighted for our customers that the threat of a Christmas strike has been lifted by the court.

“It is a decision that will be welcomed by hundreds of thousands of families in the UK and around the world.”

The carrier added that there was never any need for a strike, which was due to start on December 22.

BA said it hoped the union Unite “will take this opportunity to reflect before deciding its next steps. We believe the public would want that too”.

The airline added: “In recent days, we believe Unite has formed a better understanding of our position and of the ways in which we could move forward.

“It has also become very clear that our customers do not believe that old-style trade union militancy is relevant to our efforts to move British Airways back toward profitability.

“Financial success is essential to build the kind of business our customers want and provide
long-term opportunities for our staff.”

Bob Atkinson from reacted by saying: “Unite should now call off this disproportionately extreme 12 day strike and staff should commit to work as normal so that the one million passengers booked with the airline can breathe a sigh of relief and carry on with their travel plans this Christmas and New Year.

“BA should now contact customers as soon as possible to confirm flights will be going ahead and normality has returned to the market.

“The threat of strike action has been hugely damaging for the British Airways brand and customer loyalty has been tested.

“Although the airline is highly likely to try and attract customers with low priced flights in the coming weeks, the level of great uncertainty around possible future strikes will see customers deserting the airline in droves, as they book with rival carriers offering equally great levels of service at competitive prices.

“The underlying issue here between the British Airways management, the cabin crew and their union Unite centres on cost reductions and productivity, something that every other worker in the UK has been forced to deal with in order to ensure their jobs and livelihoods are protected.

“The union, the cabin crew and BA must resolve the situation through negotiation and all parties need to recognise the depth of feeling that the travelling public has over the way they have been treated by Unite in this last week. Upset your customers and you face an uphill struggle to win them back.”

Rochelle Turner, head of research forWhich? Holiday, said: “This is great news for anyone planning to fly with BA this Christmas, providing the union accepts this decision and calls off the strikes.

“However, if BA staff choose to strike regardless of the High Court’s ruling, those planning a Christmas getaway or a trip home to see relatives face days of delays and cancellations, and the real possibility of not getting to their destinations.”
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Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna Empty
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Greva la British Airways, in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna
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