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 Boeing concediaza 4.500 angajati

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Numarul mesajelor : 1166
Varsta : 50
Localizare : Bucuresti
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2008

Boeing concediaza 4.500 angajati Empty
MesajSubiect: Boeing concediaza 4.500 angajati   Boeing concediaza 4.500 angajati EmptyDum 11 Ian 2009, 21:04

Boeing concediaza 4.500 angajati

Sursa: BankNews/NewsIn
Data: 10.01.2009
Autor: George Trifu /george.trifu @

Citat :

Boeing a anuntat vineri ca intentioneaza sa concedieze 4.500 de angajati pana la sfarsitul anului de la unitatea de productie a avioanelor, ceea ce inseamna o reducere cu 7% a fortei de munca, decizia facand parte din planul de diminuare a costurilor, scrie Reuters.

Boeing, care isi disputa cu Airbus suprematia pe piata constructorilor de avioane, a spus ca eliminarea angajatilor cu contracte de munca pe termen limitat nu va fi de ajuns pentru realizarea planului de reducere a costurilor, alte cateva mii de concederi din randul personalului stabil fiind necesare.

Unitatile de productie ale companiei vor ramane cu 63.500 angajati dupa ce concedierile vor fi puse in aplicare, nivel identic cu cel de la inceputul lui 2008. Actiunile Boeing au scazut cu 0,5% dupa aflarea vestii.

Boeing Cuts Jobs To Shrink Overhead Costs

Sursa: Aviation Week
Autor: Michael Mecham mecham @
Data: 09.01.2009

Citat :

Boeing expects to shed 4,500 jobs in its Commercial Airplanes unit this year as it trims overhead "to ensure competitiveness."
Boeing concediaza 4.500 angajati 787WingMattCawby
The cuts were expected; Boeing Chairman and CEO Jim McNerney has previously indicated jobs would be shed. This will bring total BCA employment to about 63,500 workers--the level it had at the start of 2008.

The lost jobs are to be concentrated in administrative positions as BCA strives to reduce overhead costs and discretionary spending, rather than in airplane production. Boeing has been boosting production rates to keep up with demand for the past three years.

"We are taking prudent actions to make sure Boeing remains well positioned in today's difficult economic environment," BCA President and CEO Scott Carson said.

In a statement, Boeing said normal attrition and cuts in contract labor "will account for some of the job reductions, layoffs of Boeing employees also are necessary." Most of the jobs will be lost in Washington, Boeing's biggest jobs base and the state where it's seen the largest increase in recent employment.

After the mass layoffs sparked by the 9/11 airline downturn, Boeing began adding jobs in 2004 and has steadily increased employment since then.

In January 2001, Boeing employed 93,400 at BCA and 198,100 overall. BCA shed 30,000 jobs after 9/11. BCA employment dipped to 52,784 by Jan. 1, 2005. That year saw the start of a three-year order boom across the industry and Boeing's job count went up with it.

While orders declined to 662 last year from a high of 1,422 in 2007, the company has built up an order backlog of more than 3,700 aircraft over the past three years - so it doesn't lack production demand.

Union officials say they noticed a number of floor workers wearing temporary badges as Boeing's negotiations with machinists worsened last summer. Machinists struck for eight weeks in September and October, cutting BCA's output by more than 100 airplanes.

Total company employment stood at 160,738 on Jan. 31, 2008, and climbed to 164,202 by Sept. 30, largely on the strength of hiring at BCA. Employment levels there were at 63,200 at the end of 2007. They rose as high as 68,010 by Oct. 31 and then declined to 67,659 on Dec. 31. At their high point they were still about 30,000 below the pre-9/11 levels. Lean manufacturing techniques are credited with allowing the company to boost production despite much lower employment levels.

Boeing's second biggest business unit -- Integrated Defense & Systems -- saw jobs levels decline from 71,177 in January to 69,917 by year end."

Photo: Matt Cawby
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Boeing concediaza 4.500 angajati
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